Movember is proud to officially partner with Carbon38, a premiere online shopping destination for active fashion. For the 2016 campaign, Carbon38 and Movember have created exclusive unisex sweats, hoodies and hats in partnership with Aviator Nation to support men’s health. $10 from each sweat pant or hoodie sold and $5 from each trucker hat sold will be donated directly to the Movember Foundation.
Carbon38 will also be providing prizing for the winner of the Best Mo Space, the Mo Mo, and the top fundraisers & team captains on the Team Mo (10 or less) and the Team Mo (11 or more). With their Carbon38 gift card, these dedicated fundraisers will be able to rock the best activate wear while they get their Move on.
This Movember, you can stay active while still looking your best!

October 10th, 2016
Movember is excited to partner with activatewear retailer Carbon38 for the first time this year.
Partner Spotlight: Carbon38