Ice Cold Mos


Target: $1,000
Amount raised last year: $737
Our Motivation

Spreading the message and donating to the cause of a cure for prostate and testicular cancer, support for mental health, and men's health.

0 / 150 miles
After going through total hip replacement in May 2017, I'm moving do to sheer determination and motivation to get better and stay healthy.
Team Feed

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Previous year's posts
6 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Marla Hauser

Your commitment to awareness and education is admirable. Keep up the good work.

Previous year's donations
6 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Marla Hauser

Your commitment to awareness and education is admirable. Keep up the good work.

Previous year's activities
59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.71 mi24:00:00

10,546 steps; 4.71 miles - 46,063 steps; 4.99 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.71 mi24:00:00

10,546 steps; 4.71 miles - 46,063 steps; 4.99 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 2.09 mi24:00:00

4,651 steps; 2.09 miles - 46,063 steps; 4.99 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 2.09 mi24:00:00

4,651 steps; 2.09 miles - 46,063 steps; 4.99 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 2.11 mi24:00:00

4,699 steps; 2.11 miles - 50,714 steps; 7.08 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 2.11 mi24:00:00

4,699 steps; 2.11 miles - 50,714 steps; 7.08 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.06 mi24:00:00

9,024 steps; 4.06 miles - 55,413 steps; 9.19 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.06 mi24:00:00

9,024 steps; 4.06 miles - 55,413 steps; 9.19 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 3.33 mi24:00:00

7,232 steps; 3.33 miles - 64,437 steps; 13.25 miles to go

59 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 3.33 mi24:00:00

7,232 steps; 3.33 miles - 64,437 steps; 13.25 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 1.65 mi24:00:00

3,674 steps; 1.65 miles - 71,669 steps; 16.58 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 1.65 mi24:00:00

3,674 steps; 1.65 miles - 71,669 steps; 16.58 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 2.42 mi24:00:00

5,372 steps; 2.42 miles - 75,343 steps; 18.23 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 2.42 mi24:00:00

5,372 steps; 2.42 miles - 75,343 steps; 18.23 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.19 mi

9,494 steps; 4.19 miles - 80,715 steps; 20.65 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.19 mi

9,494 steps; 4.19 miles - 80,715 steps; 20.65 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.83 mi

10,743 steps; 4.83 miles - 90,209 steps; 24.84 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.83 mi

10,743 steps; 4.83 miles - 90,209 steps; 24.84 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 7.96 mi

17,581 steps; 7.96 miles - 100,952 steps; 29.67 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 7.96 mi

17,581 steps; 7.96 miles - 100,952 steps; 29.67 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.57 mi

12,045 steps; 5.57 miles - 118,533 steps; 37.63 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.57 mi

12,045 steps; 5.57 miles - 118,533 steps; 37.63 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.47 mi

12,019 steps; 5.47 miles - 130,578 steps; 43.20 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.47 mi

12,019 steps; 5.47 miles - 130,578 steps; 43.20 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 6.85 mi

15,172 steps; 6.85 miles - 142,597 steps; 48.67 miles to go

60 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 6.85 mi

15,172 steps; 6.85 miles - 142,597 steps; 48.67 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.67 mi

12,580 steps; 5.67 miles - 157,769steps; 55.52 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.67 mi

12,580 steps; 5.67 miles - 157,769steps; 55.52 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 6.79 mi

15,102 steps; 6.79 miles - 170,349 steps; 61.19 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 6.79 mi

15,102 steps; 6.79 miles - 170,349 steps; 61.19 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.87 mi

10,826 steps; 4.87 miles - 185,451 steps; 67.98 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.87 mi

10,826 steps; 4.87 miles - 185,451 steps; 67.98 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.42 mi

12,022 steps; 5.42 miles - 196,277 steps; 72.85 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.42 mi

12,022 steps; 5.42 miles - 196,277 steps; 72.85 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.03 mi

8,915 steps; 4.03 miles - 208,299 steps; 78.27 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.03 mi

8,915 steps; 4.03 miles - 208,299 steps; 78.27 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.85 mi

12,644 steps; 5.85 miles - 217,214 steps; 82.30 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 5.85 mi

12,644 steps; 5.85 miles - 217,214 steps; 82.30 miles to go

61 Week(s) Ago
Will Frazier II: I walked 4.82 mi

10,429 steps; 4.82 miles - 229.858 steps; 88.15 miles to go

Previous year's posts
115 Week(s) Ago

With Movember kicking off today, I figured it would fitting to share a link to a webinar which was held on September 22nd titled Prostate Cancer Education Webinar - Screening-Early Detection-Prevention. The webinar was presented by the American Cancer Society and moderated by Tawana Thomas Johnson, Sr. Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer for the American Cancer Society. The panel includes John Mathewson, a 17-year prostate cancer survivor, Dr. Randy Vince Jr., Dr. Delon Brennen, Dr. Kelvin Moses, and Dr. Arthur Burnett. The webinar begins at the 13:33 mark.

153 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Host Hotels & Resorts Gift Matching Nicole Brizan
167 Week(s) Ago

What started out as a simple ask from a former co-worker and good friend to join in November 2012 has turned into something I look forward to participating in once the trick or treating is done. Over the years, the team has changed, but the goal remains the same.....raise awareness for men's health, get out and get active, check in on family and friends (your strong ones need help more than you know) and raise funds for a great cause. If you have joined my team, donated, shared my page, or supported in any way, I truly thank you and hope that you will do the same again this year. As always, Donate, Share, and Support!

198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Host Hotels & Resorts Gift Match August Napoli
215 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Felicia Eason

To all the men I know and love

215 Week(s) Ago

Will: OK Brosemite, I see what you mean. There are definitely things that we all are thankful for. You do have a point.

Brosemite Sam: See kid, I knew you would see it my way. 5 days left... remain calm, stay strong, and mo on!

215 Week(s) Ago

The Inspiration: You know, I'm thankful, not just for the pie, but because you've been Will's Movember coach for the last 9 years. He's met fellow prostate and testicular cancer survivors, done interviews, raised funds and awareness for the cause, and even set and met goals for physical fitness to stay active and in shape. plus you got that pretty cool mustache and beard thing going.

Brosemite Sam: Why, thank you sir.

215 Week(s) Ago

Brosemite Sam: Sure thing sir. I believe the spirit of Thanksgiving lives in all of us...

The Inspiration: Mm Hmm

215 Week(s) Ago

Brosemite Sam: Don't you worry about that, just know that it will bring happiness to this man here today.

The Inspiration: For me? why thank you

215 Week(s) Ago

Brosemite Sam: If that didn't get you, I know this will, and oh yeah, more pie.

Will: Brosemite, where are you getting all of these sweet potato pies from?

215 Week(s) Ago

Brosemite Sam: See, I feel better already
You should try this.

Will: What do you mean? Try what?

215 Week(s) Ago

Brosemite Sam: On a day like today, there's plenty to be thankful for. Which is why I'm thankful that we can drop off a meal to someone who really means a lot to me.

215 Week(s) Ago

Will: OK, I'm not liking that look. What do you have on your mind?

Brosemite Sam: Oh, we have some deliveries to make. Something to make everyone really feel thankful.

215 Week(s) Ago

Brosemite Sam: I'm so glad you mentioned that word, thankful. And on today of all days.

215 Week(s) Ago

Will: Chill Brosemite, I know I'm not where I should be financially, but thankfully I'm taking care of the physical part.

215 Week(s) Ago

Brosemite Sam: And just what do you think you're doing? I just checked your totals, do you know where you are for the month?

215 Week(s) Ago

Movember Day 26... Can't believe it's taken me this long to post, but hey the work is getting done.

270 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
371 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Brandon Green
372 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Brandeis Mitchell
376 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Gus Napoli

Good luck with this year's campaign!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.