We know, we know, you’ve spent a while growing that beard out. But now isn’t the time to blend in, it’s the time to stand out! By growing a moustache you’ll shock your friends, some of whom might have never seen you with a Mo. And when you tell them you’re doing it for a good cause, well then… you’ll immediately elevate your status as a fine citizen. Now that you’re well into Movember, here are some tips from our friends at Barbasol to keep you Mo’ing strong.
Heat it Up
The key to Mo maintenance is to keep it neat. Make sure you warm your stubble up before shaving clean around the moustache. A hot towel draped over your face is truly an amazing feeling. If you’ve never tried it, do it now! Once those little fellas are heated up, they are primed for cuttin’. Make sure you’ve chosen what Mo style you’re grooming. Lather up with some thick and rich Barbasol Shaving Cream, and whatever you do, make sure you have a sharp razor. Don’t even think about using that one your lady friend uses on her legs.
With the Grain
Next step is to always shave with the grain, making sure to avoid the hairy developments on your upper lip. This will reduce nicks and cuts. If you’re like many men, you’ll ignore this advice and proceed to shaving against the grain. Trust us on this one, don’t make us say “I told you so.”
Movember Ready
Now take a step back and look at that handsome, clean jawline that perfectly highlights your manly moustache. That Mo deserves to be seen! Go out tonight, visit some friends, and if you haven’t yet, tell them that you are growing a Mo to start conversations about men’s health issues. If they are impressed (and they will be!), ask them to support your hairy efforts with a donation to your Mo Space page. For the rest of the month keep that jawline clean and release that beast of a beauty on your upper lip. Every day you and your moustache will be helping to change the face of men’s health.
Make sure you check out all the awesome prizes Barbasol is offering to reward Mo Bros & Mo Sistas for their Movember fundraising efforts. The winner of the $50 Draw will receive a custom Made in Movember DIG guitar signed by some Mo-tastic rock stars. The team captain of the team that raises the most funds and has 11 members or more will win a trip to Robert Jones Golf Trail. The team captain of the highest fundraising team of 10 members or less will win a and a football fan trip to San Diego and Los Angeles.