Our friends at Harry’s made a moustache shave guide that will help keep you looking great all month long. Follow their four steps for a successful Mo season.
Step 1: While you’re in the shower, take some time to wash and condition your moustache. Remember: it sits below your nose, so make sure it smells good and feels great.
Step 2: Once your face is clean and hydrated, squeeze shaving cream or gel onto your fingers and massage it into all the nooks and crannies of your face, aside from your moustache. Keep that puppy thick and cream free.
Step 3: It’s important that you shave with the grain and stay with it everywhere – except for your upper lip, of course. For a moustache that really turns heads, clear any remaining stubble by lightly taking a pass against the grain.
Step 4: Gently splash cold water on your face and pat dry with a fluffy towel. Then, brush downward with your favorite comb and use scissors to trim any stray hairs that wander past your lip…unless a crumb-filled moustache is your thing.
Check out the Moustachery section for more tips on keeping your moustache neat and tidy for the month.

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