Tailored Brands, Inc. and its subsidiaries, Men’s Wearhouse and Jos. A. Bank, are proud to partner with the Movember Foundation to promote awareness and raise funds for men’s health. Tailored Brands, Inc. is a leading authority on helping men dress for work, special occasions, and everyday life. They provide their customers a personal, convenient, one-of-a-kind shopping experience with compelling products and world-class service.
Tailored Brands believes in supporting a charitable initiative that benefits customers, employees and their families and have committed to making a donation of $200,000 in support of Movember. Members of the community participating in Movember can show off their moustaches and receive an exclusive offer of a free custom dress shirt with the purchase of a custom suit. Throughout the month, Tailored Brands is helping Mo Bros look sharp and find the perfect dapper ensemble to complement their Mo during moustache season and beyond—stay tuned for styling tips and exclusive prizes!
You can find a look you love by shopping online or visiting any of over 1,250 Men’s Wearhouse and Jos. A. Bank locations nationwide. For additional information on Tailored Brands, please visit tailoredbrands.com.

October 9th, 2017
Our dapper friends at Men's Wearhouse and Jos. A Bank are helping Mo Bros dress their best while supporting men's health.
Partner Spotlight: Tailored Brands