Who knew the moustache would come back in such a big way? Old-school barber shops and Tom Selleck always did them justice, but moustaches have become a fashion fixture from the subway to the red carpet – and for the past 13 years, they’ve even been doing double-duty to help promote men’s health.
In 2003, two friends in Melbourne, Australia, came up with a stylin’ and heartfelt idea: to change the face of men’s health. Movember was born, and the rest is history. Today, the Movember Foundation has official campaigns in 21 countries and funds over 1,200 men’s health projects for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
Our employees’ enthusiasm for Movember started organically four years ago at NIOS Restaurant in New York City. Ryan Brewster, then Assistant General Manager, was looking for a fun way for the restaurant to support a good cause. “In college I organized a Relay for Life team for four years, so I’ve always been involved in some capacity with charitable causes,” Ryan explained. Already a Movember veteran, Ryan thought men’s health was a perfect fit given Kimpton’s approach to holistic wellness.
The team kicked things off with a shoe-shine booth in the lobby of the Kimpton Muse Hotel during daily wine hour, and focused on a special dinner to celebrate at the end of the month. Following the theme of Eat Like a Man, two of our chefs knocked out a 6-course tasting menu paired with Brooklyn Brewery craft beers and assorted bourbons. The event was judged like a boxing match and winners were crowned for best cuisine and best moustache.
The experience fit us like a trusty glove – so this November, it’s not just Ryan who’s growing his Mo. Gents across the Kimpton nation, from hotels to restaurants to bars, are setting down their razors and are rocking moustaches that make a difference. And ladies, Movember is for you, too: Move for the month, Host events to support the Foundation, encourage the men in your life to Grow a moustache, and donate to men’s health. Who says we can’t stay well and have fun doing it? We’re stoked to know the answer is right under our noses.
Kimpton will be supplying 1 lucky "Moustache Monday" winner with a 2-night stay at a Kimpton Hotel of his or her choice. Stay tuned to our Movember USA Facebook page for more details and your chance to win!

November 15th, 2016
Our friends at Kimpton are Hosting unique Movember events and even hooking lucky winners up with an unforgettable hotel stay.
Partner Spotlight: Kimpton Hotels