Inspired by her Father’s winning battle with prostate cancer, BITE founder Susanne Langmuir wanted a fun, easy and meaningful way for women to support the men in their lives facing health issues. BITE’s custom "Mauvember" shade is a way for women to proudly participate, spark conversation, and ultimately raise funds for men’s health during the month of November.
Why is Movember important to you?
Movember is a reminder to think about men’s health, encourage conversation, and to take action. It’s easy to postpone our health if it’s not urgent or time-sensitive – that visit to the dentist or the doctor isn’t always at the top of our list! Being proactive is important for diagnosis, awareness, and knowing what to look out for in advance. A month of conversation about this is so very important – it might be that kick in the pants needed to be mindful about it.
How did you dad’s diagnosis impact you?
I am really close to my father and I was floored by the news. My dad was only 65 and seemed really happy and healthy - it was completely unexpected. I was living in British Columbia and moved back to Toronto so I could be there for his diagnosis, treatment and recovery. There was a support group at a local school we would attend to talk to others about their experiences, and that gave us the confidence to make important decisions. I learned that conversation and information make a big difference in outlook and optimism, and that prostate cancer can be beaten with early detection and treatment.
What do you believe is the role of a Mo Sista?
Women are often the ones that encourage men to be proactive about their health, and support them through difficult times of diagnosis and treatment. Mo Sistas have an opportunity to get involved and support the cause – there are lots of ways to do this (Hint: wearing a particular shade of Mauvember Lipstick everyday, for the month of Movember!).
What are you excited about for Movember 2017?
I love the Movember Foundation’s approach – making something that is really serious a little more fun and approachable. It’s a great way to raise funds, awareness and make a difference. I’m always interested to see so many of my friends grow a moustache too!
Why did Bite decide to partner with Movember?
There is a lot of support in cosmetics for women’s health but not many that I could think of where women support men – there was an "aha" moment for me to do something new and relevant based on my own personal experience with my father. I’m also a mother to two incredible sons – I want them to be a part of this as well.
What was the inspiration behind Bite’s Mauvember product?
While a moustache generally doesn’t look great on girls, lipstick does! Lipstick is something most women apply every day. Change happens through word of mouth, and I love that Bite’s lipstick can encourage daily dialogue, raise funds for research and treatment, and positively add to the conversation.

November 7th, 2017
Susanne Langmuir, Founder of BITE Beauty, has created a fun way for Mo Sistas to support men's health.
Mo Sista Spotlight: Susanne Langmuir