October 2nd, 2016

Mo Sistas go beyond the moustache to change the face of men’s health. Here’s how to be the best Mo Sista you can be all year round.

The Role of a Mo Sista
Mo Sistas play a vital role in spreading awareness about Movember and encouraging Mo Bros on their hairy journeys. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your Movember experience and use your power as a Mo Sista to change the face of men's health.


  • Once you have registered, you can use your very own Mo Space page to set a goal and start your fundraising. Kick things off with a donation to yourself. Ask your donors to follow your lead and be public about thanking them for thier support.
  • Consider joining a local team or broader network to join forces with other Mo Bros and Mo Sistas. Don’t forget that a little competition goes a long way—we’ve even got industry challenges to get the whole workplace on board and fuel the fundraising fire.
  • Show your support for other Mo Bros and Mo Sistas in your life by donating to support their efforts.

    Need to nudge a reluctant could-be Mo Bro to register? Sign a permission slip to let him know you’ve got his back... No Mo Excuses.


  • Have you signed up to take the Move challenge yet? Stay in shape all month long and encourage others to do the same. You can update your Mo Space page with each Move you make (tip: a fitness tracker like Garmin integrates with Movember.com and will help you keep track of your Moves.)  


  • Host a Mo Party or Move event ! Whether it’s a mid-month gathering, an end of the month extravaganza, concert, bake sale, or moustache petting zoo, register your event and invite Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to celebrate the Movember journey with you.
  • Check out the Movember Collection online store for all your party pack goodies: judging sashes for your moustache pageant, stickers for consolation, and all kinds of other fabulous party favors are available.
  • Check out our featured events to see if there’s already something happening near you.


  • Spread the word all across the interwebs! Your Mo Space has links to special fundraising tips to help you make the most of this campaign.
  • Beyond moustache season, be a wing-woman for men’s health. Start important conversations about family health history and encourage the Mo Bros near and dear to you to speak to their doctors about routine preventative exams. One of the biggest factors in surviving prostate and testicular cancer is early detection, so make sure the guys in your life are taking measures to lead happier, healthier, longer lives. Whether you’re a wife, mother, gal-pal or girlfriend, women are often the gatekeepers to men’s health, and your encouragement can make all the difference.