Photo of two smiling men having a conversation.
Five things to know and do about men's health
Here are five things you can do right now to prevent men from dying before their time.

Movember fundraisers are a global community of fired up Mo Bros and Mo Sisters – aka rock stars making a difference in mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

Your donation could help save a father, a brother, a son, a friend, a partner, a man’s life.

Sign up
father and son laughing
Santo and Son FabianMelbourne, Australia
The Barefoot Dutchman walked 3,230 miles barefoot from LA to NYC to raise funds for Movember. He marked his finish on Movember 2nd with a celebration almost too big for the Big Apple.
Anton Nootenboom
Anton Nootenboom walked barefoot coast to coast for Movember
A man leaning on a wheely cart walks barefoot through a field, mountain range seen behind him.

We've funded over 1,320 men's health projects globally

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Making Connections with young East African men

A unique Movember-funded program is successfully using basketball to bring together young East African men to help them manage their mental health.