Climb for Quent 2025


Target: $10,000
Amount raised last year: $1,849
Our Motivation

Climb for Quent is a charity climb dedicated to the memory of Quent Alcorn, who lost his life to self-harm in 2015. To further Quent’s legacy of helping others, our team of ten climbers is training to summit Mt. Rainier in July 2025. Our goal is to elevate mental health awareness and suicide prevention while fundraising for the Movember Foundation, the leading charity focused on changing the face of men's health.

This will mark our third climb in six years. During this time, we have recognized that the skills required to summit Mt. Rainier mirror those needed for maintaining our mental and emotional well-being. We climb to promote seeking and providing help, fostering resilience, and strengthening social connections. And we hope our efforts inspire reflection and, most importantly, action—whether that's donating, checking in on a friend, or exploring mental health resources in your community.

We are excited to honor Quent's memory once again and encourage you to join us in making a difference for men's mental health. With our team covering all climbing expenses, 100% of your contributions will go directly toward this cause. Follow our journey here and on Instagram (@climbforquent)!

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