In honor of Veteran’s Day, Movember would like to honor and remember the members of our country’s armed services who protect our freedoms.
To pay tribute to these courageous men and women, we chatted with Mo Bros who are on active duty, Veterans and those who provide services for Veterans. They shared with us how the power of the Mo brings together troops overseas, honors our forefathers and adds some fun to the serious causes of prostate and testicular cancer.
CPT Michael Linnington: Troop Commander for an OH58D Kiowa Warrior Helicopter Unit based in Kandahar, Afghanistan that supports U.S. and NATO ground forces.
What was your most memorable moment while rockin' a Mo?
My troop grew moustaches just for fun when we first got to Afghanistan. I thought it was hilarious. Now that we can raise money for men's health while we grow our Mo’s, it means a lot more. The most memorable moment is watching those that struggle with the Mo growing. Quite funny. I also like the competiveness it brings out in our organization. It truly is a morale booster. We are currently 10 months complete in a yearlong deployment and Movember has allowed us to come together as a team and finish strong.
Rick Merrill: Navy submariner with almost 27 years of service, currently working in the Pentagon.
How did you first hear about Movember and why did you get involved?
I first learned about Movember from some British friends who were participating last year. 2012 is my first year. My dad passed away in July from complications from advanced prostate cancer, so that's my main motivation for joining. I'm hoping that Movember will be a good way for us to remember Dad and help make people more aware of the health issues that affect men and what we can do by facing them head on. I think most military guys feel pretty invincible, even the old guys like me, and we don't like going to the doctor or contemplating any kind of sickness. We avoid thinking about cancer because we don't like feeling helpless; Movember is something positive that we can do.
Troy Rundle: Works on the Arizona State University Campus as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor & as part of the VetSuccess on Campus program.
What is one of the most memorable conversations your moustache has sparked?
It is really tough to pinpoint just one conversation. I will have to say that the best string of conversations sparked by the Mo would actually be any conversation with friends or coworkers on Movember 1st. For the other 11 months of the year I sport a full beard and so their reactions to me being clean-shaven are always classic. I look like a totally different person without facial hair, so half the time people have to look twice to recognize me or I hear, “Holy hell look at your face!” It makes for a great start to Movember. During the month I put up Mo posters, so a number of Veterans that go through my office will ask about it and become interested.
Robert Maxwell: Air Force, Emergency management, and Command and Control Systems currently stationed in Italy.
Why do you think it is important for men in the armed forces to participate in Movember?
I think it's important because the majority of the military are men. Our health is what keeps us fighting and at full operational capacity. Sure, the military itself has other hair-themed months, but none of those events do anything to raise awareness for health concerns. As men,we should always be looking out for each other’s health.
Thank you to these incredible Mo Bros for sharing your wisdom, and for all that you do to for our great country. How will you honor those currently serving our country or inactive duty this Veteran's Day?