October 31st, 2016

Not sure how to make the most of your Move challenge this Movember? Here are our five top tips to help you tackle fundraising head-first.

5 Tips for Fundraising with Move
Not sure how to make the most of your Move challenge this Movember? Here are our five top tips to help you tackle fundraising head-first.
  1. Kick-start your fundraising.

    Any cause worth fundraising for is worth donating to, right? Show everyone you mean business by kick-starting your Move target with a donation to yourself.
  2. Choose your challenge

    If you haven’t set yourself a Move challenge yet, choose wisely. Move is whatever you make it: Go big. Be brave. Be outrageous. Set yourself a challenge that tests your limits, whether it’s a mountain to climb, learning to swim, or running a race in costume.
  3. Know why you Move

    What motivates you to raise funds for men’s health? Talk about it. We all have a story to share, so start by adding your motivation to your Mo Space.
  4. Get talking

    Make sure your friends, family and colleagues know about the challenge you’ve set yourself. Be loud: you’ll be surprised by who’ll chip in with a donation. Then keep the updates coming – as you progress towards your goal, you’ll inspire more people.
  5. Keep it fresh

    Don’t run the risk of getting fatigued mid-month. Keep things moving with a little creativity. Get a team together to motivate each other. Plan a workplace training session – a great chance to ask for donations. Let your supporters set you bonus challenges in return for cash. Organise an event to get more people moving. A good time is a great motivation.