I do Movember for men’s mental health. For the boys close to me who lost their battles.
Move challenges became part of my Movember ritual because it was a great way to make lots of noise, raise awareness and fundraise for such an important cause. It started back in 2012 with a 100km run from Dunkeld to Stawell and then each year I have tried to set myself a challenge that was bigger, braver and more outrageous than the last.
Having conquered the "world’s toughest half marathon" at Hobart’s Point to Pinnacle for a couple of years, I thought it was time to take on another type of physical challenge: cycling.
I’m not a cyclist; in fact I’m the furthest from a cyclist that you can imagine. But doing Move gives us the opportunity to try something different and challenge ourselves, whether that is tackling a marathon for the first time or learning to swim.
If I was going to commit to a new challenge this year, I was going to go big or go home. So I’ve decided to go big with a Move challenge cycling over 300kms from Melbourne to my hometown, Stawell. (It’s a bit outrageous too, seeing if I can sit on a bike seat for 16 hours straight!).
The best thing about Move this year is that you can do anything to get on board and raise funds for men’s health. You just have to set yourself a challenge. It can be big or small, but all that matters is that it helps raise awareness and funds for men’s health.
Join me and set yourself a Move challenge for Movember this year.

October 13th, 2016
It started back in 2012 with a 100km run, and each year I have tried to set myself a challenge that was bigger, braver and more outrageous.
How I Move: Kieran Ryan