Mid-Movember Moustache Dash


Target: $5,000
Our Motivation

Congratulations! You've successfully cashed your golden ticket into the Mid-Movember Moustache Dash. You've put in two tough weeks on growing your moustache and had the hard conversations about men's health. You can your put your money where your Mo is? Get dashing and take up some of the challenges below:

- Kickstart your fundraising with a $30 donation to yourself and ask 5 friends to match your commitment.
- Move 10 miles over the week and ask 10 friends for $15 donations to your Mo Space.
- Auction off your Mo! The highest donor decides your Mo's color or design.
- Increase your fundraising by 200% by creating a Facebook Fundraiser through your Mo Space
- Promise your $20+ donors a personalized haiku
- Thanksgiving Checklist - spread the word of your motivation while raising funds at Thanksgiving

Take up the challenge by clicking here and pressing the "join this challenge" button, and if you're in the first 60 fundraisers to raise over $150, by November 27th at midnight PST you'll receive a badge of honor in the form of a Movember swag kit with a Philips Norelco Razor. (HOT TIP: Philips Norelco Razors are a great holiday re-gift for dad, best friends and brothers.) Are you Mo enough?





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