Michael Merrell
13  year  Mo Bro


raised $5,080 since 2009
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health

The Movember Foundation is the only global charity focused solely on men's health, so this Movember I'm getting on board. I'm raising funds to tackle some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and poor mental health. Help me stop men dying too young.

How I'm
getting involved
NM Bru-Mo's Rugby Football Club
Team captain Michael Merrell
$0 Team funds raised
Your feed

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Previous year's posts
39 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Bonnie Thompson
Previous year's donations
39 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Bonnie Thompson
40 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Mark Payne


40 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Mark Payne


40 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Movember's Partners and Friends

It’s raining donations! You just earned an extra $25 from our friends and partners at Pringles, Every Man Jack, Just for Men, and Arm. Well done, Mo.

40 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Movember's Partners and Friends

It’s raining donations! You just earned an extra $25 from our friends and partners at Pringles, Every Man Jack, Just for Men, and Arm. Well done, Mo.

41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Erin Przybylo
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Erin Przybylo
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Mindy Merrell

xoxoxo from R.B. and Min

41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Mindy Merrell

xoxoxo from R.B. and Min

41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Keith Powell
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Keith Powell
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
matthew tondreault
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
matthew tondreault
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Marilyn Rottschafer

Thanks for doing this again this year, Michael! Love you mucho!

41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Marilyn Rottschafer

Thanks for doing this again this year, Michael! Love you mucho!

41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Noah Silva
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Noah Silva
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Schwab Charitable: Richard Quinn & Mindy Merrell
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Schwab Charitable: Richard Quinn & Mindy Merrell
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
matthew tondreault

Sorry for the delay my friend

92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
matthew tondreault

Sorry for the delay my friend

92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Noah Silva de Leonardi
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Noah Silva de Leonardi
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nathan Przybylo
92 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nathan Przybylo
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Julia Mayo
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Julia Mayo
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Michelle Berry

Nice stash

93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Michelle Berry

Nice stash

93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Michael and Mary Merrell
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Michael and Mary Merrell
93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Peter Zullo

Love the little rugger!

93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Peter Zullo

Love the little rugger!

93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nathan & Erin Przybylo

Best mustachioed partner ever ☺️

93 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nathan & Erin Przybylo

Best mustachioed partner ever ☺️

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Carol Powell

Wishing you great success on your fundraising, your efforts to help others & hopefully the end of prostate cancer forever! And perhaps that cute little guy pictured with you won't have to worry about this in his future either! Wouldn't that be wonderful!!

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Carol Powell

Wishing you great success on your fundraising, your efforts to help others & hopefully the end of prostate cancer forever! And perhaps that cute little guy pictured with you won't have to worry about this in his future either! Wouldn't that be wonderful!!

94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Bonnie Thompson
94 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Bonnie Thompson
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.