Christina Thompson
1  year  Mo Sister


Target: $200
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health
Mental health and suicide prevention

I’m doing this to raise awareness for men’s health in my own little way. In 2018, my husband died suddenly of a heart event at age 49. He wasn’t sick, per se, but had a lot going on inside. Obviously aside from the things I knew about (heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes) there were A lot of things going on inside that I didn’t know about because everything was “getting better”. In July of this year, my father died from non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. That means a fatty liver not triggered from alcohol. He was 79. The past five years have been brutal so I hope my little 60 miles (or close to it at least… I’m starting late!) of walking in and November will help others share their story and/or inspire someone to help the men in their life

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