Hallie Twomey
1  year  Mo Sister


raised $30 since 2022
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health
Mental health and suicide prevention

I believe that having Movember connected to the Scattering CJ film will help save lives.

We need to help save as many other “CJ’s” as possible.

We need to prevent other families from enduring the aftermath of a loved one taking their own life.

We need to do whatever it takes to make sure everybody knows that IT'S OK NOT TO BE OK and that life is worth living.

Twelve years ago, I watched my 20-year-old son CJ take his own life. I did not know at the time that my larger than life, charming as all get out son was struggling with depression or that he felt ending his life was his only option.
It was and is the single worst moment in my life, one I find myself reflecting on frequently. I had to honestly search for reasons to keep going. The guilt I live with is all-encompassing as it threatens to steal my happiness and swallow my sanity.

It has also driven me to action.

Scattering CJ was born completely out of my soul crushing desire to give my first-born one last gift. Scattering CJ was a way to both keep his memory alive and to use his story as a narrative vehicle to help prevent other young men from following in his footsteps. The Scattering CJ Facebook page went viral and in doing so, a community was formed. The people who found comfort and support in learning about my son, are now reaching out to each other. They offer a shoulder to lean on as well as a sympathetic ear to one another. To date we have received over 22,000 offers to scatter his ashes which resulted in his ashes being scattered in over 1100 unique locations thus far.

I can't bring CJ back. I can't undo the history that devastates me, but I'm going to continue to advocate on behalf of my son's memory and his legacy. He and many other young men are so much more than a suicide. This film is always going to be something we are so proud to have been a part of. All I can do is continue to fight...to raise awareness...to find tools such as PBS and People Magazine to bring this film to more people...to encourage people to watch and to learn and to be brave in sharing their stories...to be open to the possibility that there are other options.

CJ's answer was not the answer.

Through our participation in Movember, we hope to help men both young and old, live happier, healthier, and longer lives.

How I'm
getting involved
Scattering CJ
Team captain Hallie Twomey
$0 Team funds raised
0 of 60 miles
I'm moving 60km this Movember for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.
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