Josh Wise
5  year  Mo Bro


Target: $5,000
raised $44,175 since 2020
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

It's Movember again! Some background if you're new here: hi, my name is Josh, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer in May 2020; went through a bout of severe anxiety and panic attacks in the past few years, and have been participating in Movember since to help raise funds and awareness to make something positive out of my experiences.

The first update is that I'm still cancer-free -- I've been in surveillance since my surgery over 3 years ago (was able to avoid chemo or radiation, thankfully), which started with blood draws every other month and CT scans every 4 months. I'm all the way down to every 6 months for blood draws, and had my most recent appointment in mid-October which remained all clear -- and it's possible I've had my last CT scan!

The second update is something I'm probably even more excited to share, and that's on the mental health side. Looking at my blurb here from last year, I feel so much better a year later that it's almost difficult to believe that was only a year ago. Every day isn't perfect, but I've been back working full-time since January, have graduated from appointments with my psychiatrist, have gotten back to things we enjoy like traveling, and have generally been more able to deal with the ups and downs without letting them be all-consuming.

This is probably my biggest takeaway this Movember -- I used to think it was "normal" to worry about everything every minute of every day, and/or I didn't even realize I was doing that. I had to hit rock-bottom to realize that I didn't *want* to get back to "normal" but rather wanted to get to a place that was *better* than I had been before; and a few years later I believe I'm on my way there. I attributed everything that went "wrong" as a personal failure, something I could get over by just working harder or sucking it up -- but I realized that I wasn't ending up with an excuse, I was just playing the game with a stacked deck, and could get help flattening the odds.

Thanks again to everyone who donates, sends a message, or just visits the page and reads my story -- every bit helps, especially when we can make big progress just through awareness (I didn't know that testicular cancer mostly affects men aged 25-35, for example). I'm again planning on matching the first $5,000, and I have around $3,000 in company donation matching left for the year, so the first $3k will get tripled and the next $2k will get doubled. I was also planning on trying to put together a way for people to vote this year to keep or shave the 'stache at the end of November based on how much they donate -- yet to be seen if I actually get around to that or not, but I'll update if I get something setup. Last year we blew away the goal of $5k (we finished 24th in the US and 97th worldwide!), so we're aiming for a new high score this year! Feel free to share around!

Thanks so much for your support,

How I'm
getting involved
Team captain Tyler Bach
$100 Team funds raised
Your feed

Leave Josh a comment

9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
9 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Anonymous
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Anonymous
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Oleksiy Antoshko
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Oleksiy Antoshko
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Barry Lumpkin
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Barry Lumpkin
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Nathan Beeler
10 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Nathan Beeler
14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Julien Lo Presti
14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Julien Lo Presti
14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Salesforce Gift Matching James Fitzgerald
14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Salesforce Gift Matching James Fitzgerald
14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Anonymous
14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
DocuSign Gift Matching Anonymous
Previous year's posts
20 Week(s) Ago

A $10k masterclass - way to double up on your goal! Thank you for your support of men's health and Movember Josh!

Previous year's posts
20 Week(s) Ago

A $10k masterclass - way to double up on your goal! Thank you for your support of men's health and Movember Josh!

20 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jacy Forbes
Previous year's donations
20 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jacy Forbes
21 Week(s) Ago

Nice work everyone! We cracked $100k as a group! We moved MORE that hoped!

Thank you all for your support this year and over all these years. It's been hairy but fun and we've continued to make an impact on Men's Health!

21 Week(s) Ago

Nice work everyone! We cracked $100k as a group! We moved MORE that hoped!

Thank you all for your support this year and over all these years. It's been hairy but fun and we've continued to make an impact on Men's Health!

21 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sam Moody
21 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sam Moody
21 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
21 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nikhil Patel
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nikhil Patel
22 Week(s) Ago

WE MADE IT! Thanks so much to everyone who participated this year! I've submitted my full $5000 match and submitted for company matching which will add an additional ~$3000!

I feel like a broken record but I'm always blown away by all of the support -- we made our fundraising goal and I had quite a few people reach out individually with really nice words which is always fantastic. The campaign actually still goes to December 11th so there's still time! I'm planning on keeping the 'stache until then so we can still beat last year's record!

22 Week(s) Ago

WE MADE IT! Thanks so much to everyone who participated this year! I've submitted my full $5000 match and submitted for company matching which will add an additional ~$3000!

I feel like a broken record but I'm always blown away by all of the support -- we made our fundraising goal and I had quite a few people reach out individually with really nice words which is always fantastic. The campaign actually still goes to December 11th so there's still time! I'm planning on keeping the 'stache until then so we can still beat last year's record!

22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Josh Wise
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Josh Wise
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Barry Lumpkin

I'm so happy to hear that you're moving away from that 'normal' and on to something better! Keep it up, Josh!

22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Barry Lumpkin

I'm so happy to hear that you're moving away from that 'normal' and on to something better! Keep it up, Josh!

22 Week(s) Ago

Make those last reaches for donations everyone! (Insider tip...formal closure of this years campaign is December 11th, so you've got time to eek those last donations out!)

And MOVE!!! We are in striking distance of hitting our move goal for the year, I'm heading out for a quick 2 mile walk after dinner to add to the total!

22 Week(s) Ago

Make those last reaches for donations everyone! (Insider tip...formal closure of this years campaign is December 11th, so you've got time to eek those last donations out!)

And MOVE!!! We are in striking distance of hitting our move goal for the year, I'm heading out for a quick 2 mile walk after dinner to add to the total!

22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Alex Antoshko
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Alex Antoshko
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
22 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
James Conway
22 Week(s) Ago

Remember today is match day! Whoo Whoo! Our partners are matching every donation $25 and greater today with $25! Hurry, this is a wildly popular promotion and the $110,000 matching fund will go fast! Starts at 9 am TODAY, NOVEMBER 28!

Let's get to $100k!

23 Week(s) Ago

Love seeing the list of Platinum Club members growing at that $1k raised mark! Great work everyone!

Take a bit of time to talk health history with family during this opportune time of year. Get out and move a bit after the turkey coma clears. Hit up your network for a last donation push after they get through (or do it before!) Black Friday shopping.

23 Week(s) Ago

Another update -- we're past halfway to our goal and we've still got over a week left! Thanks, as always, to everyone who's donated or reached out at all, I always appreciate any support!

24 Week(s) Ago

Week 3 is almost halfway over, great work by everyone! We are closing in on a 1000 miles moved and $50k raised!

Be sure to engage with your network to ask for donations, have folks move with you and generate conversations!

24 Week(s) Ago

We finally have some sort of visible update! Thanks so much to everyone who's donated, shared, or reached out so far -- I appreciate every cent and any words! We're on a great pace this year!

25 Week(s) Ago

Congrats Platinum Club member! Great Job Josh, keep up the good work!

25 Week(s) Ago

Week 2 Everyone! What a great start to this year's campaign! We've got 6 folks in the Platinum Club already ($1,000 raised) and another group knocking on the door. And we are closing in on 500 miles moved, great work everyone!

25 Week(s) Ago

Trillian -- whose 'stache is much more impressive than mine so far -- is worn out from raising over $1000 in just the first 3 days! She says to say thanks for much to everyone who's donated so far!

26 Week(s) Ago

Here we MO! Day almost over on opening day of Movember! Welcome back all of you! Looking forward to another fun month! Be sure you've signed up, started asking for donations, set a move goal and committed to getting a physical if you haven't this year and talking to family and friends about health!

28 Week(s) Ago

Howdy Everyone! It's almost upon us, the hairest and most fun time of year...Movember! Hope you are all well and ready to MO!

There is a kick-off event at Stoup Brewing Thursday, October 26th from 5-8 pm. There will be a barber taking faces clean (if you clear your face at the event you'll get a four pack!). It's also the 9th annual release of Stoup's WhiskersOut Stout, the unoffical Mo-vem-beer of Seattle! A portion of the proceeds from the night go to men's health, so come so your support as we kick off the month!

73 Week(s) Ago

Great work everyone! One last sneaky chance to get some final donations in the door!

The leaderboard closes at 2 PM tomorrow PST (December 8), so get your last asks out the door early. We've got a real shot of topping $170k!

Here we MO!

73 Week(s) Ago

Way to keep it coming in Seattle Challenge! Just collectively pushed the $150k mark to the rear view mirror! Where will we sit when the dust settles? Let's shoot for $175k as a group.

Remember - leader board closes on December 8th at 2 PM PST, so rally those last folks in your network to dig in their pockets for change and get it on your tally for 2022!

73 Week(s) Ago

Sounds like a great idea to me!

Shoot me an email at and we can get to planning!

74 Week(s) Ago

Great work Seattle! A tip of the cap to all of you amazing folks for all you do for Movember!

Please consider joining me, your friendly Seattle Ambassador, as I give a slideshow presentation about Movember's Inagural Adventure team's Kilimanjaro climb from March this year. I'll be talking about the training, the climb and the experience in an interactive manner.

Sunday, December 4th at Stoup Brewing in Ballard. 7 pm start in their upstairs space. I'll have some Movember swag you might walk home with. And, might buy a few beers as an end of the campaign thank you for all your hard work.

Here we MO!

74 Week(s) Ago

WE MADE IT!! I'm thankful, humbled, floored, any adjective you can think of to have raised so much money for this cause. I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who shared, donated, reached out, or even just read any of my posts -- every single thing means so much to me.

Posting an update, but not a before/after this year because reaching $5K means the 'stache stays thru December!

I've matched the $5K and will submit that for company matching funds. Thanks so much again, and be on the lookout for the stache this December!

See you all next year, and thanks one more time,

74 Week(s) Ago

Blasted by $100k, great work everyone! There's 200+ people in our challenge, if everyone walks 2 miles tomorrow we can get over 2000 miles on our move challenge. I'm going out and doing mine now!

You should all be super proud of yourselves! Over $100k again, a great job by all of you out there!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.