Doug Rubin
7  year  Mo Bro


Target: $3,500
raised $14,776 since 2018
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health

As the calendar once again turns to November, for the 6th straight year, an unwavering commitment to Movember causes a powerful fusion of personal experiences and a deep sense of empathy. Having witnessed the impact of 9/11 cancers on my coworkers, family members fighting cancer, and grappling with the alarming rise in men's suicide rates, my motivation transcends mere participation. It becomes a mission, a heartfelt dedication to amplifying awareness, advocating for better healthcare, and nurturing a supportive environment that addresses both physical and mental well-being. With every bristle raised in solidarity, I aim to honor those we cherish, sparking vital conversations and fostering a future where men's health receives the attention and care it truly deserves.

Whoever donates the most to my campaign will have a (veto-able) say on my mustache's style. Wyatt Earp? Tom Selleck? Rollie Fingers? Ron Burgundy?

How I'm
getting involved
DCs Mustached Responders
Team captain Tim Commerford
$0 Team funds raised
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24 Week(s) Ago
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Shane Moncrief
24 Week(s) Ago
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Shane Moncrief
24 Week(s) Ago
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24 Week(s) Ago
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24 Week(s) Ago
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24 Week(s) Ago
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Michael Silva
24 Week(s) Ago
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Michael Silva
24 Week(s) Ago
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24 Week(s) Ago
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24 Week(s) Ago
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an anonymous supporter

This money is to be used for a razor for that thang.

24 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter

This money is to be used for a razor for that thang.

24 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Movember's Partners and Friends

It’s raining donations! You just earned an extra $25 from our friends and partners at Pringles, Every Man Jack, Just for Men, and Arm. Well done, Mo.

24 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Movember's Partners and Friends

It’s raining donations! You just earned an extra $25 from our friends and partners at Pringles, Every Man Jack, Just for Men, and Arm. Well done, Mo.

24 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Douglas Rubin

Cash/venmo donations - Thank you, Tolbert Elementary! You guys rock!

24 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Douglas Rubin

Cash/venmo donations - Thank you, Tolbert Elementary! You guys rock!

Previous year's posts
285 Week(s) Ago

288 Week(s) Ago

OK, so we're 4 days in now and this mustache is just..... Just plain awful (I promise you it's there). It's a scientific fact that the more donations a mustache receives, the faster it grows. The more you know

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.