David Gesell
6  year  Mo Bro


Target: $1,000
raised $4,850 since 2017
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Prostate cancer

Those of you that know me, know I've never really been a fan of the mustache...at least, on me. But I'm letting it grow this month to help all those that see me become more aware of both prostate and pancreatic cancer.

I dream of a day when both prostate (2nd most common cancer for men worldwide) and pancreatic (4th leading cause of cancer deaths) cancer no longer exist. Thank you for your support, and feel free to pledge a $1 or more per day that I keep this ugly rug above my lip!


How I'm
getting involved
0 of 100 miles
Elliptical Challenge
Your feed

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Previous year's posts
64 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nancy Forsyth
Previous year's donations
64 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nancy Forsyth
64 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Mark Potosky
64 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Mark Potosky
64 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
david daniels

Dave G is the MAN

64 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
david daniels

Dave G is the MAN

64 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

Previous year's activities
64 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

Previous year's posts
64 Week(s) Ago

Dad "stash" Jokes...

"What comes after Movember? DECEMBEARD"

"What do you call a cow with a mustache? A MOOSE-STASH"

"What do you call an Astronaut's mustache? SPACIAL HAIR?"

Thank you everyone for your support during this hairy ordeal!

#almost SHAVEtime!


64 Week(s) Ago

Dad "stash" Jokes...

"What comes after Movember? DECEMBEARD"

"What do you call a cow with a mustache? A MOOSE-STASH"

"What do you call an Astronaut's mustache? SPACIAL HAIR?"

Thank you everyone for your support during this hairy ordeal!

#almost SHAVEtime!


65 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

65 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

65 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Robin Baliszewski
65 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Robin Baliszewski
65 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

65 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

65 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

65 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Laine O'Donnell

We'll always support your stash growth...and I don't think there's a look that you can't rock, Uncle D.

66 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Laine O'Donnell

We'll always support your stash growth...and I don't think there's a look that you can't rock, Uncle D.

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

66 Week(s) Ago
I worked out 5 mi

67 Week(s) Ago

2 historical bits of info for you today...
1) 34 years ago an amazing women took a chance on me...so grateful for your love & partnership, Mrs. Gesell.
2) The survival rate for men with prostate cancer has improved from 66% in the mid-60's to 98.6% today! Thank you for funding this remarkable improvement in men's lives around the world.

Sending hugs and thanks to all the health care workers who helped me and so many others who have fought this nasty foe. And with their help, we're winning...

67 Week(s) Ago

2 historical bits of info for you today...
1) 34 years ago an amazing women took a chance on me...so grateful for your love & partnership, Mrs. Gesell.
2) The survival rate for men with prostate cancer has improved from 66% in the mid-60's to 98.6% today! Thank you for funding this remarkable improvement in men's lives around the world.

Sending hugs and thanks to all the health care workers who helped me and so many others who have fought this nasty foe. And with their help, we're winning...

67 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Thomas Snyder
68 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nancy Potosky
68 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Cranston Gesell

Thank you David for leading the charge again cancer!

68 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Fran & Rincy Isaacs

Thanks for keeping the fight going!❤️

68 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Partner In Publishing

Your friends at PIP!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.