KC Fialco-Masters
6  year  Mo Bro


Target: $1,000
raised $2,373 since 2015
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Mental health and suicide prevention

I am proud to participate in philanthropy in many forms! I give to my daughter’s NYC public school, and a few other charities throughout the year, but at this time each year, I focus on one in particular: I’ve been supporting Movember, the “leading charity changing the face of men’s health” for several years now.
Why MoBro for me? To grow a silly mustache and have fun, and remember to stay in physical shape, yes. But much more importantly, for my dad and my cousins and so many others, to raise awareness and funds for men’s health and suicide prevention... to recognize and treat dementia in its earliest stages... and to cultivate a society that values mental and emotional well-being for all people, especially our youth, irrespective of gender.
Did you know?? Globally, on average, one man dies by suicide every minute of every day. In the United States, the rate of male suicide is alarmingly high: approximately 4 in 5 suicides are men.
Too many of us insist on ‘toughing it out’ while keeping our feelings to ourselves and struggling in silence. Most everyone has been impacted by the untimely death of someone close to us, sure… but when it is suicide, there is no describing the profound sense of helplessness and loss that comes with it. Whether suffering from PTSD, depression, terminal disease, or unexplained mental or emotional illness, those who knew and cared for him will never be the same.
Movember looks at mental health through a male lens, focusing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion, working towards a world where men take action to be mentally well, and receive support from those around them. I’m helping Movember reduce the rate of male suicide, stop men and boys dying too young, and keep males mentally healthy, in addition to tackling other significant men’s health issues like prostate or testicular cancer and physical inactivity. Our generosity can help them continue to "change the face" of men’s health!

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AMEX Payroll Recurring KC Fialco Masters
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