Katharine Johnson
9  year  Mo Sister


Target: $500
raised $3,875 since 2014
My motivation

I'm MOtivated by the futures of the men in my life. I want them to have clear minds and strong, healthy bodies for many years to come. There is such a huge stigma attached to mental health/behavioral disorders. I start conversations to help end the stigma.

For those that don't know, my father has struggled with bipolar disorder for a long time now. His brother and biological father had it as well. It's a disease that strips your soul from you, that has so much shame around it many never accept their diagnosis or seek treatment, and pushes most loved ones away in hopelessness.

Depression is terrible. The toxic masculinity of our world teaches men that they can have no weaknesses, that asking for help isn't manly. I'm here to change that. If my efforts help even one man and his loved ones get help, I've succeeded.

Check in on your friends and family, especially the "strong ones." Hold space. Be vulnerable. Don't judge.

Oh yeah... And guys... check your nuts.

How I'm
getting involved
Mo Money
Team captain Katharine Johnson
$0 Team funds raised
0 of 60 miles
I'm moving 60km this Movember for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.
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44 Week(s) Ago

60 men every hour take their own lives worldwide. Let’s change that!

44 Week(s) Ago

60 men every hour take their own lives worldwide. Let’s change that!

49 Week(s) Ago
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49 Week(s) Ago
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84 Week(s) Ago
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84 Week(s) Ago
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
84 Week(s) Ago
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
84 Week(s) Ago
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
94 Week(s) Ago
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Ryan Burnett
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Ryan Burnett
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Jason Owens
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135 Week(s) Ago
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
135 Week(s) Ago
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
135 Week(s) Ago
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
143 Week(s) Ago
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
143 Week(s) Ago
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Apple Gift Matching Katharine Johnson
199 Week(s) Ago

Guys! Thanks for all your contributions so far! I'm almost halfway to my goal of $1k. I've never hit that mark before. It would mean the world to me if you'd share my fundraiser with your connections.

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.