No members of 'Masters Of The Movemberverse' have returned for this year

Masters Of The Movemberverse


Target: $1,000
Amount raised last year: $502
Our Motivation

We're raising funds and awareness this Movember for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in our lives. We have the power!

0 / 500 miles
The Proclaimers said it best; "I would walk 500 miles!" Let's move this month to change the face of men's health.
Team Feed

Write your comment here

Previous year's posts
16 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 8.93 mi00:30:00

Previous year's activities
16 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 8.93 mi00:30:00

17 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 8.54 mi00:30:00

17 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 8.54 mi00:30:00

17 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.29 mi00:45:00

17 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.29 mi00:45:00

17 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 12.27 mi00:45:00

17 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 12.27 mi00:45:00

18 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 8.88 mi00:30:00

18 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 8.88 mi00:30:00

18 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.36 mi00:45:00

18 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.36 mi00:45:00

98 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
CATERPILLAR Gift Matching Justin Larson
Previous year's donations
98 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
CATERPILLAR Gift Matching Justin Larson
114 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I worked out 00:10:00

114 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I worked out 00:10:00

114 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed 2.1 km00:15:00

114 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed 2.1 km00:15:00

115 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.97 km00:30:00

115 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.97 km00:30:00

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.12 km00:30:04

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.12 km00:30:04

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I worked out 00:04:58

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I worked out 00:04:58

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed 1.58 km00:14:10

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed 1.58 km00:14:10

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed .49 km00:04:23

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed .49 km00:04:23

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed 1.58 km00:14:20

117 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed 1.58 km00:14:20

118 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I worked out 00:04:59

118 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I worked out 00:04:59

118 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed .74 km00:09:00

118 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I rowed .74 km00:09:00

118 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I worked out 00:20:00

118 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I worked out 00:20:00

Previous year's posts

Daily inspirational quote:
"They skipped Holly Springs altogether and went straight to A...straight to A...(spit, dry heave, with disgust) Apex." - GB Alford :)

Daily pun:
I traveled for work and was staying at a hotel. Apparently there was a huge chess convention going on. I walked into the foyer while they were all on their break. They were all bragging about how great they were. I guess you could say I saw a bunch of chess nuts boasting in an open foyer...

Question of the day:
After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?

Daily inspirational quote:
"They skipped Holly Springs altogether and went straight to A...straight to A...(spit, dry heave, with disgust) Apex." - GB Alford :)

Daily pun:
I traveled for work and was staying at a hotel. Apparently there was a huge chess convention going on. I walked into the foyer while they were all on their break. They were all bragging about how great they were. I guess you could say I saw a bunch of chess nuts boasting in an open foyer...

Question of the day:
After they make Styrofoam, what do they ship it in?

119 Week(s) Ago
Brian Evans: I walked 2.1 mi

Woo Hoo, goal met!

119 Week(s) Ago
Brian Evans: I walked 2.1 mi

Woo Hoo, goal met!

119 Week(s) Ago
Dustin Walker: I cycled 13.69 km00:29:58

Been away for the holidays, but back now. Let's finish strong!!

Daily inspirational quote:
"You can't shine like a diamond if you're not willing to get cut like a diamond."

Daily pun:
I bought a head of lettuce from a small grocery store called The Mamas and The Papas. I can't eat it though because...all the leaves are brown...

Question of the day:
It toast always lands butter-side down and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?

119 Week(s) Ago
Brian Evans: I walked 1.9 mi

119 Week(s) Ago

I just discovered this place to post and have loved reading your posts! Walked with the fam yesterday!

119 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sarah Larson

Daily inspirational quote:
"It's ok to look at the past and the future. Just don't stare."

Daily pun:
I was going to share a Thanksgiving pun, but they're all fowl.

Question of the day:
Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?

Daily inspirational quote:
"Luck is what you have after you give 100 percent." - Langston Coleman

Pun of the day:
You can't run through a campground. You can only ran because it's past tents.

Question of the day:
Is Mick Jagger's phlebotomist the only person to ever get blood out of a stone?

Daily inspirational quote:
"I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have a to be one." - Maya Angelou

Daily pun:
Haunted Swedish pancakes give me the crepes...

Question of the day:
Who had the bright idea to invent the flashlight?

Daily motivational quote:
"A diamond is merely a lump of coal who did well under pressure."

Daily pun:
I got tired of being judged for going bald so I went out a bought a cheap wig. It was a small price toupee.

Question of the day:
If wool shrinks in the wash, how come sheep don't shrink when it rains?

Daily inspirational quote:
"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces." - Will Rogers

Daily pun:
Someone stole my limbo stick!! I mean, how low can you go...

Question of the day:
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?

Daily inspirational quote:
"Age is of no importance unless you're a cheese." - Billie Burke

Daily pun:
If Dwayne Johnson had downstairs neighbors, they would be clueless about everything. You would be too if you lived under a Rock...

Question of the day:
Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?

Daily inspirational quote:
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas Edison

Daily pun:
I saw an all men's choir over the weekend. I told my daughter there were no more than 99 men in that choir. She asked how I knew so quickly. I said "They're singing 'Africa' by Toto. It's something that 100 men or more could never do..."

Question of the day:
What's another word for thesaurus?

Daily inspirational quote:
"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia." - Charles Schulz

Daily pun:
The CEO of IKEA has just been elected the Prime Minister of Sweden!! He's currently assembling his cabinet...

Question of the day:
If Apple made a car, would it have Windows?

Daily inspirational quote:
"You do not choose to create, creation chooses you!" - GB Alford :)

Daily pun:
I lost my pizza cutter, so I used my Bryan Adams CD instead. It cuts like a knife...

Question of the day:
How come there are no mirrors in the self-checkout line?

Daily Inspirational Quote:
"The question isn't who's going to let me. It's who's going to stop me." - Ayn Rand

Daily pun:
Geography puns you ask? There's Norway I'd go Oslo as that...

Question of the day:
Why are there 5 syllables in the word "monosyllabic"?

Daily inspirational quote:
"Think like a proton. Always positive."

Daily pun:
No matter how hard you push the envelope, it'll still be stationary.

Question of the day:
If you put Rice Krispies in chocolate milk, and Cocoa Krispies in white milk, do they taste the same?

Daily inspirational quote:
"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs, one step at a time." (each step makes a difference!)

Daily pun:
I think the Goo Goo Dolls and Lady Gaga should tour together as Goo Goo Gaga.

Question of the day:
Do dermatology conferences have break-out sessions?

Daily Inspirational Quote:
When something goes wrong in your life, just yell "PLOT TWIST" and move on.

Daily pun:
I'm so irritated with my neighbor. He kept playing Lionel Richie songs at full blast. Normally it wouldn't bother me, but it was All Night Long...

Question of the Day:
Is a hippopotamus just an opotamus that's really cool?

Daily Inspirational Quote:
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." - Will Rogers

Daily pun:
I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.

Question of the day:
When cows laugh, does milk come out of their nose?

Daily inspirational quote:
When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the fire department usually uses water.

Daily pun:
I used to be addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but I've turned myself around...

123 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Angie Staheli

Daily Inspirational Quote:

"Whatever you do, always give 100%!!!
Unless you're donating blood..." - Bill Murray

123 Week(s) Ago

Hey team!! Happy Movember 1st! Time to raise some eyebrows as we raise awareness. If you are kicking things off with a personal challenge, feel free to share some details with the group so we can cheer you on. Here's a little MOtivation to kick things off. (mustache puns will be aplenty this month)

123 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Matt Davis

Donating in appreciation of the bearded legend, Dustin the Wind, and for my bro’s who are fighting the fight every day!

276 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Matthew Hall
331 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Jessie Haase

Love ya teamie!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.