Syracuse: Mr. and Miss Movember
Working to bring the power of the moustache to his Alma Mater, Syracuse IFC Advisor Evan Konnecky brought the first Mr. and Miss Movember competition to the Syracuse Greek community. The competition called for a member of each fraternity and sorority to lead the charge in his or her chapter and try and earn as many points as possible. The winner was crowned based on a mixture of sign ups, money raised, events attended, social media use, and an awareness video created. In their first year participating, the IFC was able to get 14 teams on board and raise over $12,705 to help change the face of men’s health.Going National: Phi Kappa Theta Stache Bash
Looking a way to stir up some friendly competition with Mo Bro's across the country? Look no further than the Phi Kappa Theta Stache Bash. The national fraternity sent a call out to brothers around the country calling for them to sign up, grow moustaches, join the Phi Kappa Theta network, and enter a picture of their moustaches into the online Stache Bash competition. Using a 3rd party bracket site, the fraternity had weekly round match ups that utilized social media voting to determine who would advance until they eventually crowned their Man of Movember. Going into year two, Director of Membership Education, Brandon Albert is excited to announce an additional alumni bracket that will help engage generations of brothers to join the fight for men’s health.Wax on Wax off: Phi Kappa Psi’s Movember Fundraiser
Refusing to let their moustaches go quietly into the night, the brothers of Phi Kappa Psi invited the entire York College community to come out and bid in a live auction format for the right to wax their moustache off. Mo Sista’s applied the wax to each Mo Bro’s moustache, then the audience bid for the right to be the one to rip the strip off. Although Philanthropy Chair Ryan Sheehy was quick to admit that it was extremely painful for the first 5-10 seconds, he also recognized that it was a great last minute fundraising push as well as a way to involve the Mo Sista’s that may not have been quite as big of fans of their seasonal lip sweaters. Although Movember HQ can’t personally vouch for that 5-10 seconds, we fully support trying to find some fun, creative ways to say goodbye to your Mo and bring in some last minute donations!Get Involved on Campus