December 3rd, 2014

Mo HQ talked to 2013 Top Mo Sista, Jessica Matthews, about her participation in Movember to honor her father.

Mo Sista Spotlight

Mo HQ talked to 2013 Top Mo Sista, Jessica Matthews, (pictured above with the blue wig at the 2014 Los Angeles Gala Parté) about her participation in Movember to honor her father. Last year she raised an astounding $18,737 for men’s health. Read how Jessica’s personal story inspired others to donate and get involved with Movember.

1. What was your most memorable moment during Movember last year?

Raising money in honor of my father, John, who had just died in August 2013. I named my team in his memory, Team Big John, and raised money until the very last possible moment, when they close the competition in December. I was in second place behind another Mo Sista who had previously raised the most funds in the US. There was no chance to beat her because she had a healthy lead, so I kind of gave up. Then, with three seconds to go, I refreshed my Internet page to see that a special Mo Sista had donated a huge amount to bring our team into the lead. It was a photo finish! I was very surprised and proud. My dad was very competitive and my good friend, Mich (who is also extremely competitive) was the one who made the donation to Movember to help take us to the top spot to win top Mo Sista fundraiser for team Big John!

2. What is your favorite part about Movember?

Seeing the moustachioed men pop up all around! Movember is still so new to me and feels so undiscovered in the US still. I love that I am starting to see more of my friends reach out to me and ask how they can get more involved, whether it is growing, donating or showing up for Movember events!

3. How has Movember impacted your family or teammates?

Men in my world are foreign creatures to me and each one is a snowflake—very different. These snowflakes often don’t prioritize their health. With Movember, all men have an entire month to be reminded to get checked out! Movember rolls around and starts the conversation in my office or in my home with my extended family and they are forced to make that doctor’s appointment or take a Soul Cycle class with me. On the other hand, My single girlfriends/teammates get involved to cheer on the moustache growth. They also motivated to meet the sexy Mo Bros growing and showing up at Movember events around town—Everybody wins! 

Thanks to Jess for sharing her story with us and for rocking it out a a true Mo Sista supporting men's health.