We make a lot of noise during moustache season and ask a lot from the Movember community, so we promise not to be so demanding of your attention outside of Movember. We would, however, like to keep you informed of how your funds are being used and the impact our programs are having on the lives of men and their families dealing with prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems. We'll send you a few emails during the year specifically focused on the programs funded by the power of the moustache.
Outside of emails, there are other ways to stay connected throughout the year.
News – Keep up with the latest news from Movember relating to funded programs, information and updates on the funding cycle, news from our men’s health partners and general men’s health news.
Programs We Fund – Check out report cards on the different programs Movember is funding through our men’s health partners and through the Movember Foundation, notably our Global Action Plan (GAP).
We like you and you like us, so why not Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or Instagram or Snapchat? That way you can keep up with the latest news coming out of Mo HQ and join in the conversation.

You can always contact us at or give us a call (310) 450-3331. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have, or help you start planning for 2015.
Donations can be submitted year round, however, for reporting purposes we close the financial year on April 30, and it is at this point that we’ll know exactly how much has been raised from the Movember 2014 campaign. In May, PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC) audits our global financials and we determine the exact amounts to be directed towards programs.
Until then, our team will be working closely with each of our men's health partners to ensure all funds go towards world-class programs in line with our long-term strategic goals. It goes without saying that we take this process extremely seriously; it’s not simply a matter of handing over the funds.
In September 2014, our Annual Report, which includes the audited results from PWC and our Form 990 will be available for download from on If you’d like to review our past Annual Reports or Form 990s, please visit the Annual Reports page.
Thank you for your hairy efforts this Movember!