After growing or supporting a Mo for the past three weeks, you can’t lose momentum! There is still time to give your fundraising a boost in the final stretch. Kick your campaign up a notch to meet your fundraising goals, be eligible to win some awesome prizes and maybe even join the platinum club. Below are two tips to help you reach your goals by the end of the month.
1. Get social! Use the Ask for Donations section of your Mo Space to send pre-written email messages to your contacts and post ready-to-go Twitter and Facebook messages on your social channels. Personalize your posts for your friends who may not know about Movember and inspire them to donate. Include pictures of your progress in your social posts to show everyone how you’re doing. Use the Downloads section for custom posters and thank you notes.
2. Ask again. Whether a person donates to your efforts actually has a lot to do with when they’re asked. You can send them a friendly reminder letting them know it isn’t too late to help you change the face of men’s health. Try asking friends and family through different outlets like social media, emails, direct text messages or phone calls, and at different times of the day. You can creatively reward your top donors by offering up your moustache style or what color to dye your Mo.
We know reaching your fundraising goals isn’t an easy job, but neither is growing a moustache for a month, and look how well you’ve done there! Don’t worry, the fundraising deadline to win these prizes doesn’t close until December 9th, and you can still continue to fundraise after that date. Mo on!