The hairiest month of the year is about to begin! We know it's hard to contain your excitement, but preparation is the key to success, so use this time wisely to educate yourself and get ready to Mo.
First, anything worth doing is worth doing right, so make sure you read the official Movember Rules. Not only will you be one step closer to unlocking your Ready to Mo Badge in your Mo Space, but you'll become an expert in the right way to participate in Movember. Have friends trying to get a head start on growing, or are thinking about sporting a beard? Show them the official rules and get them on the right track.

Start the month off right with a clean shave on Movember 1st. Next, it's time to make a tough choice. The moustache maketh the man, so, what kind of man will you be this Movember? Use our official moustache Style Guide below to find the style the suits you - will it be the trucker, the rockstar or perhaps the connoisseur this Movember? Choose wisely and embrace your style.

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