Second year Mo Bro Karl quickly understood how sharing his progress kept people engaged and supporting him along the way. "I think the best part of the Movember 2012 journey for me was the amount of support I received and the show of love I have in my life," said Karl. "I initially set out hoping to somehow make $500 in donations. Within the first week, I surpassed that milestone. I couldn't even fathom raising as much money as I did this year at the beginning of the month. Every email saying I received a donation made me happier than the last. It got to a point where thanking people on Facebook was all the campaigning I needed to do to raise awareness and donations."
Movember 2012 showed me how loved I am and how much amazing support I have in my life...even from those who have flat out told me I have a terrible moustache.
Well done Karl! We look forward to seeing more photos and updates in 2013!
Click here to see what Karl has won.