Philadelphia Mo Bros Mike and CJ Walsh put the 'bro' in 'brothers' and share a mutual love for moustaches and hatred for cancer. With 40 team members and over $4,000 raised, team I Hate Cancer is putting the money where their Mo's are - they are currently the top fundraising team in the Philadelphia network. Under the fuzzy leadership of Mike Walsh, team I Hate Cancer communicates weekly with fundraising tips, inspiration, stories of survivorship, and, of course, some friendly smack talking.
Mike recently gave the team a reminder of what Movember is all about in an email, which he sends out weekly. He said, "don't forget to have the conversations that men hate to have. That's half the reason we're growing these things. Make sure your dad, grandfather, brother or friends have had their physicals this year. And make sure you've had yours too. Nothing says, 'let's talk men's health' like a macho lip sweater."
Recognizing that not every Mo is built in a day, Mike sympathizes with the lame Mo's out there, saying "Got a seriously weak Mo? Have a sympathy drive. My first week of Movember's 'look how bad my moustache is. Please give me $5 because I'm clearly failing over here' fund drive netted over $70." Way to Mo!
The Walsh brothers have been Mo Bros for three years, but they took it to the next level this year with the help of team I Hate Cancer and Frankford Hall, which is part of the Starr Restaurants group. Frankford Hall has been a moustache hub all month and hosted a beginning of Movember kickoff party where Mo Bros and Mo Sistas got to meet, mingle, and start Movember off with a bang.

In San Francisco, Mo Bros took to the runway in support of Movember, as part of The Bold Italic’s Haberdash fashion show earlier this month. Chris Applegren and the Mo Bros of The Bold Italic were the men behind this night of high fashion and moustachin’ which saw local San Francisco Mo Bros strut their stuff down the runway.
Other than the obvious realization that the moustache is the perfect fashion accessory for all occasions, Mo Bro Applegren stated, “We love Movember's approach to raising money and awareness for men's health issues. It is very much in line with The Bold Italic's own style and attitude - meaningful but with a focus on fun. The timing of The Haberdash made it clear that this was the perfect way for us to participate in Movember.”
True to the ethos of Movember, the struttin’ Mo Bros Max Goodberg and Trent Landon, both members of the San Francisco Local Committee and both in their maiden voyage as runway models, brought equal parts party and business to the task at hand. “Both of them were troopers, taking a crash course in walking, being primped, poked and prodded by the dressers and stylists, and sporting their awesome 7-day old 'stache with pinache’” said Applegren.
While three words suffice to sum up his performance – Pulling It Off – Max noted that, “sporting a 7-day old Mo is both a badge of honor and reassurance that tripping on the runway can't look any more awkward than you already do. Seriously though, getting up there to represent the Movember cause with the virile beginnings of a lip sweater is all the confidence you need to pull it off in a manly fashion. Pun intended!”

Know some engaged Mo Bros in your city? Share their story with us!