Canadian actor Daniel Cudmore has graced the silver screen in adventurous roles like Piotr Rasputin/Colossus in the X-Men films, and as Felix in the Twilight Saga films. His most important role this month though is as a Mo Mentor who will provide guidance and wisdom to the Mo community.
How did you first hear about Movember and why did you get involved?
I had heard about Movember a while ago but never got into until this year. I had someone close to me diagnosed with prostate cancer and I wanted to lend my support in any way I could.
What is your most memorable moment while rockin' a Mo?
I think this year having it on the red carpet for one of the biggest premieres (‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2’ Los Angeles premiere at the Nokia Theatre L.A.- November 12th, 2012) and getting so many compliments, and knowing what a great cause it’s looking so dapper..
How have the ladies reacted to your moustache?
My wife loves it, though she can't wait until it’s long enough that the hairs start to lay flat. She also cares a lot about the cause also.
Does your moustache have a name?
I haven't named it yet, for now I call is a ManStash.. But I'm sure I’ll come up with something, I do feel that when it’s nice and full that Winston is a great name for it!
If your moustache had a super power, what would it be?
Flight! Like the wing suit my wooly mammoth of an upper lip catches the air and let's me glide gracefully towards the earth.
Do you come from a family of moustaches?
My Dad a great duster for years and so did his Dad, so it's in the family. My older brother Jamie has also been participating in Movember for a few years now.
What are some words of wisdom to live by?
Life is an adventure, don't let it pass you by.
Daniel joins X-Men creator and Mo Mentor Stan Lee on the esteemed panel of Mo’s reviewing and rating the Moscars, the annual video awards extravaganza celebrating Mo Bros and Mo Sistas’ creativity with a camera. Make sure you submit your video soon so these judges can have a look at your mini-cinematic masterpiece.

November 25th, 2012
A Mo Mentor epitomizes the core values of Movember and we are honored to have heroic actor Daniel Cudmore join the ranks of this esteemed group.
Mo Mentor Daniel Cudmore