To many, Thanksgiving is a joyous holiday filled with delicious food and quality family time. However, some Mo Bros may feel a bit nervous as they head home for Thanksgiving. Will dad like my moustache? What will grandma say? I hope mom doesn’t make me shave it off for the family holiday photo. There are many reactions to prepare for when introducing your Mo to your family at this critical time of the month…it’s a big step after all.
To ensure your family welcomes your moustache with open arms this Thanksgiving, we have gathered some sage wisdom from our seasoned Mo’s.
“Your family may be unaware that Movember is a real moustache growing charity. Not everyone knows the power of the Mo. So be prepared with proof from Movember.com to show how much money has been raised and the programs Movember is funding. The stats speak for themselves that you are participating in an organization that’s truly changing the face of men’s health.” – Mo Bro John
"Thanksgiving is the best time to rake in the donations. Let your family know what you’re doing and the money will start flowing….that’s how you get yourself in the platinum club.” Mo Bro William
"The night before Thanksgiving, when you are out with your friends, the moustache is a great ice breaker to get donations (using the Movember mobile app, of course!)” – Mo Bro Oscar
“Make sure you reiterate that you are participating in Movember for all of the men in your family – dad, grandpa, uncle – so it’s a great time to have a discussion about your family health history and encourage all the men to have an annual physical.” - Mo Bro Tony
“If you are going to take a family photo with your moustache, make sure it’s looking good. There’s nothing worse than having a scraggily un-kept Mo in your family holiday card picture.” - Mo Bro Evan
As this holiday encourages everyone to give thanks, it’s also a good time to give back to those who have donated to your Mo-growing efforts. Consider a personal email, phone call, or message to each of your donors, thanking them for their contribution to your Movember journey.
We want to see pictures of you and your family members with Mo’s! Get all the Mo Bros at your Thanksgiving table together and use the hashtag #Mosgiving on Twitter or Instagram. We’ll highlight the best ones on Movember.com.
The Mo’s here at Movember HQ are extra thankful this year for our incredible community of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas. Together, we truly are changing the face of men’s health!