Many of our Mo Bros and Mo Sistas participate in Movember because their lives have been personally touched by cancer. Movember brings together generations of men - grandfathers, fathers, sons – to not only grow Mo’s, but to generate those incredibly important conversations about men’s health. Our research shows that one moustache equals 2,413 conversations about men’s health.
How many conversations did your Mo start?
In honor of Father’s day and National Men’s Health Week we are highlighting one of last year’s amazing Movember teams. Sean Boone, his brother Brian, and their father Greg, have been Mo Bros for the past 3 years. Greg was diagnosed with an early stage of prostate cancer in 2001 and has been cancer free for 10 years after undergoing treatment. Now, he and his family participate in Movember to raise funds and create crucial conversations about cancers affecting men.
Sean described his most memorable Movember moment as, “last Thanksgiving, my family gathered at my aunt's house for the holiday with my brother, my dad and I all rocking our Mo's. When we showed up, my grandpa was also rocking a Mo. None of us knew that he was participating, but he had been growing it out all month. It was the first time in his life, he's now in his 70s, that he had ever had a Mo. It was awesome!”
Awesome indeed. Many thanks to Sean and his family for sharing their story with us and for continuing to support Movember. During the month of November, 69% of Movember participants saw their doctor for a general checkup. If you haven’t had a checkup recently, you don’t have to wait until Movember, it’s never too late to take control of your health. Today, as we honor our Fathers and the men in our lives, take this opportunity to start a conversation about their health and your family's health history.