Movember is extremely thankful for all of our volunteer committees across the US. From sea to shining sea, these dedicated Mo’s are a key to the success of the campaign. We’ve heard so many incredible local stories – from towns getting involved with Movember for the first time, to whole cities participating in big Movember festivals or shave downs. We are often asked how supporters can create a movement within their own community, so when we heard the inspiring ways our Austin Mo’s were spreading awareness and Mo fun, we had to share!
They say everything is bigger in Texas, and the Movember movement in Austin was no exception!
This Moustache Season, our Austin committee of volunteers, led by Top Mo’s Sonny Johns, Jennie Loev, Courtney Cross, Travis Kenny, Sean Bell and Aaron Strout, came together to raise awareness for cancers affecting men by hosting over a dozen events around town. The group kicked off the campaign on Movember 1st with “The Great Shave-off” event at Wahoo’s Fish Tacos. Barbers from Floyd’s Barbershop were on hand to get registrants clean-shaven – and to ensure no whiskers ended up in the free appetizers!
On the 4th, the Mo Community partnered with LIVESTRONG to host the “Mo-Tie” event, a black tie affair complete with a silent auction with items donated by the community. LIVESTRONG CEO and three-time cancer survivor, Doug Ulman welcomed guests and got them excited for a month of Mo-growing. To continue the MO-mentum, Austin Mo’s created and participated in “Scandemonium” – a high tech scavenger hunt – where contestants traversed Austin for clues and completed challenges for the prize of donating funds raised to the Mo Team or Mo of their choice.
The main attraction for Austinites this Movember culminated at the end of the month. Over 50 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas marched on the Capitol building for the “2nd Annual Mo March.” Participation in the event increased by 100% this year – definitely due to the hard work the Mo community put forth to make this a success. LIVESTRONG ‘s Chris Brewer and Movember’s own Donny Killian were in attendance to join the Mo’s on their successful lap around the capital, proudly raising awareness and a few eyebrows.
Although Moustache Season has drawn to a close for 2011, our Austin committee of volunteers is already preparing for Movember 2012! On behalf of everyone at Movember, we’d like to give a big Texas-sized thank you to the Austin crew!
December 9th, 2011
This Mo Community Spotlight shines on one of our favorite cities, Austin, Texas. Home of LIVESTRONG, the ACL Festival, the Texas Longhorns, SXSW, and “keeping it weird”, Austin saw a new type of event this year - a Million Moustache March around the Capitol building!
MO Community Spotlight: Austin’s Million Mo March