July 9th, 1971

Mo Bros know how to maintain a healthy Mo throughout Movember, and in some cases throughout the year, but what’s often overlooked is keeping a healthy body and lifestyle.  Men with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher are considered obese, and being obese increases your risk of prostate cancer.  Have no fear, you don’t need a pricey gym membership to work off the extra poundage, just follow Movember's work out regime.

A Perfect Mo, A Perfect Body
Mo Bros know how to maintain a healthy Mo throughout Movember, and in some cases throughout the year, but what’s often overlooked is keeping a healthy body and lifestyle.  Men with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher are considered obese, and being obese increases your risk of prostate cancer.  Have no fear, you don’t need a celebrity trainer or a pricey gym membership to work off the extra poundage; all you need is the “Triple 5” workout regiment adapted by the U.S. Army that you can easily do at home. 

Remember 30 minutes of moderate exercise (like the ones listed here) is recommended at least 5 days a week. Do one minute of each of the 5 workouts below, jumping from one station straight to the next, 5 times, with only 5 minutes of rest after all stations are complete:

Triple 5

Station 1: One minute of non-stop “Mo-ups:”(aka pushups) chest should touch the ground and body parallel to the floor. If you get tired, drop to your knees and keep knocking them out.

Station 2: One minute non-stop “supine bicycle sit up:” Place palms on top of the head with fingers interlaced. Bring the left knee upward while curling your trunk upward and touch the right elbow to the left knee, then alternate from the left elbow to the right knee continuously.


Station 3:  One-minute non-stop “high jumpers:” start in a squatting position, jump straight up as high as possible and land in the same position as you started. Repeat

Station 4: One-minute non-stop “flutter kicks:” Lie on your back with the hands beneath your buttocks, the head raised and knees slightly bent. Alternately, raise and lower the legs, keeping the knees slightly bent and the feet elevated 6 to 18 inches above the floor.

Station 5: One-minute non-stop “Up Downs:” Start standing straight up, then bend your knees lowering yourself to a half-squat while balancing on the ball of your feet. Then put your arms straight out from the shoulders, lock your elbows and start to lean forward. Return to a standing position, then bend your knees slightly, bend forward at the waite, touch the ground and return to a standing position.  Repeat. 

Take a 5-minute rest, and repeat the 5 stations until you have completed it a total of 5 times and you’ll be on your way to a healthy body and Mo, camouflage optional.