November 23rd, 2016

Mo Mentor Nick Offerman answers important questions about growing a glorious moustache for men's health.

Mo Mentor Nick Offerman
Mo Mentor Nick Offerman answers important questions about growing a glorious moustache for men's health and why he supports the Movember Foundation. Join us in the fight for men's health with a donation.

Is there a moment in your life when your perception of men’s health changed?
Sure, when I reached my early thirties and suddenly my 4 pints of beer a night began to stick to my midsection. Mother Nature let me know that I wasn’t actually immortal and so I had to begin to monitor my diet and add some regular exercise to the mix.
Which occupation should require a moustache?
Well, I suppose the vocation of moustache model. Cafeteria Lady?
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten? From who?
My sensei Shozo Sato (who taught me about kabuki theatre, art, and life) told me in 1989 to always maintain the attitude of a student. He said that if you think you’re done learning because you have mastered any particular discipline, then you grow bitter wondering when the world is going to throw you a parade. If, on the other hand, you have something to learn each day, then you get out of bed with a sense of purpose, and a clear goal ahead. Never stop learning.
What’s the most flattering moustache style?
To each his own. I spend as little time as I can on personal grooming, so my favorite “style” of moustache is fully grown in, kept roughly trim by inadvertently biting the whiskers during burger chomping. Paying any more attention than that would feel to me like crossing the line into foppery.
What are some words of wisdom to live by?
I recently attended a talk by television giant Norman Lear, and he said that he loves his bumper sticker, which reads, “Just Another Version of You.” I found this simple message, rife with empathy, incredibly moving - especially coming as it did from the wizard of entertainment programming this is as hilarious as it is poignantly progressive.
What’s the best piece of advice you’d pass onto a younger generation?
Wow, this is an advice-heavy set of questions. Um, first of all, I would advise that they avoid agreeing to answer such questions. With that out of the way I would also offer, “Make things with your hands. Food, furniture, clothing, music, tools, you name it. Employing your hands and brain and talent to produce tactile items will reveal the superpower you didn’t know you had."
Why did you get involved with Movember?
I am involved with Movember because thier heart is in the right place. Together we are enlisting our powers of mirth and organization and elbow grease to help improve the health and consciousness thereof of men, young and old. I apparently don’t care about my moustache nearly as much as many of your adherents, and that’s ok. We all have our favorite subjects of fascination. 
What important life lessons can Mo Bros expect to learn about life from your book?
I’m very proud of my book Good Clean Fun because it is the most most engaging craft book I’ve seen. I’m not a master of any trade, including woodworking, but I am very competent and so I wanted to create a book that conveys how fun and creative your life can become if you make things with your hands, and especially if you make things with other people. My hope is that the book will inspire many amateur woodworkers, but also will entertain readers that end up becoming expert knitters, pasta makers, blacksmiths and you name it. All of the elves in my shop have a chapter, as do my Dad and brother, so it’s a really eclectic mix of personalities and projects, including a section of cookout recipes and another featuring "shop fashion" advice from my beautiful and hilarious bride.