As all Mo Bros and Mo Sistas know, Movember is all about having a good time while tackling serious issues. This year we’ve seen the men’s health movement around the world take up the challenge and rise to new heights. There have been epic Mo’s, extreme MOVEs, familiar faces and unforgettable events.
We’ve also seen the Movember community take action on men’s health. We’ve heard the stories of men (and their families and friends) around the world, their personal experiences with prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. Why they’re doing Movember and what matters to them.
Take a look at the highlights of Movember 2015.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles
The iconic Movember Mo moved its way across the world, cropping up on planes, trains, tractors and more. Honk if you’re hairy!

Mo's in the wild
From street art to a billboard in Times Square, the hairy banner flew far and wide.

Famous figures taking action for men's health
Every Mo Bro and Mo Sista is a champion of men's health. These familiar faces are riding the Mo Train with you.

Our Mo Mentors and Ambassadors
These well-known Mo's have used their popularity to spread awareness of men's health.

Singing 'Changes' for Movember
Hozier got in the studio to sing for Movember, and has invited everyone to join the music video with #MoChanges.
MOVE it or lose it
Mo Bros and Mo Sistas worldwide are running, jumping, downward dogging, racing, dancing and stretching themselves to their limits for men's health.

Because of Movember
The other side to the moustache – the serious stuff. This is why we Mo.
"Since I began growing a Mo my dad got prostate cancer, I found out my great grandfather died of prostate cancer, I have multiple friends that have had testicular cancer. All because of a Mo."
- Ray Nicoli
"My grandfather "Sonny" was known for his constant ability to make others laugh. Yet he suffered from depression. Feeling ashamed, he stayed silent and finally took his own life at the age of 36. Sonny is why I grow a moustache and my motivation to start the conversation about men’s health. “
- Robert Huffman
"During my father’s cancer treatment he still grew his Mo in Movember, up till the end. Even his Doctors joined in, growing moustaches, and starting their own teams which they still do. This gesture will stick with me for the rest of my life. It showed me they actually cared. Each time I see a Mo during our special month not only do I think of my Pops, but that we are supporting somebody’s dad, brother, uncle, friend…..
When I see a Mo during Movember, to me, it symbolizes a silent handshake. As we both know the cause we are both fighting for"
- Jonathan Keating
"Firefighters are twice as likely to get prostate cancer, and testicular cancer. With the rich history of our past brothers using moustaches as air filters to protect against the smoke of fires, I felt it was imperative that we use the power of the moustache to once again help protect our fellow brothers."
- Chris Pfaff
“My Moustache Saved my life”
- Rob Toal

The health issues we're fighting
The energy and support for Movember and men’s health has been incredible. Every moustache (and MOVE) is an opportunity to start a conversation, but awareness is only half the battle. To carry on making a significant impact on the face of men’s health we need to continue our work as a funder of innovative research and services.
We’re making progress but we’ve a long way to go to move the dial on the state of men’s health. The statistics speak for themselves:
- More than 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer were recorded in a single year, making it the second most common cancer in men worldwide.
- The incidence of men diagnosed with testicular cancer has doubled over the past 50 years.
- 510,000 men die from suicide each year, globally. That’s one every minute.
- 41% of men in high income countries are insufficiently physically active.
We’re proud of all that we’ve achieved, but we only have one definition of success: funding breakthrough solutions that produce tangible improvements in the lives of those dealing with prostate cancer, testicular cancer, poor mental health and physical inactivity. We want to give more life to our fathers and sons.
Help us achieve this by making a donation today.