Young men talking about men's health.
Your donations help raise much-needed funds and awareness.Image by: Movember
Young men talking about men's health.
11 October 2021

10 men's health projects that your donations funded in 2021

4 minutes read time

Movember has been changing the face of men’s health for almost two decades. In fact, we've funded more than 1,250 projects globally since we started in 2003. Our mission is to enable men to live happier, healthier, longer lives. We do this by raising much-needed funds and awareness for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. Here are 10 men’s health projects made possible, thanks to our amazing Mo community.

Understanding why Black men have twice the risk of prostate cancer diagnosis

Black men are twice as likely as other men to be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Now, we're closer to understanding why, thanks to a major new study led by scientists in the US and the UK. Researchers have identified 86 new genetic changes that could pick out men who might benefit from earlier and more regular screening. Tell me more.

Funding mental health initiatives for vets and first responders

We’re funding projects around the world that support the mental health and wellbeing of military veterans and first responders – two groups at increased risk of poor mental health and suicide. In the United States, $5.74 million USD is funding initiatives like the Southcentral Foundation’s Soldier’s Heart Program, which reaches firefighters and police in isolated Alaskan communities who are experiencing workplace mental health stress. Tell me more.

Improving mental health and resilience among high-risk men and boys

Since 2015, Movember funding has been supporting the Legends of Lawndale and La Villita Warriors afterschool mentoring programs for boys of color in west Chicago. Team sports such as basketball are used to keep the boys active, engaged and to help them bond as a team. Watch.

Bringing Hope to at risk American Indian youth

Thanks to Movember funding through the Making Connections initiative, the Hope Squad suicide prevention program has been sponsored in three public schools in Andarko, Oklahoma, areas with large American Indian populations. The program trains students to be the ‘eyes and ears’ among their peers and look for warning signs of suicide and refer any student who is displaying signs of distress to an advisor. Watch.

Bikes and resilience bringing youth together

The KVIBE project, funded through Movember’s Making Connections program, aims to improve the physical health and mental wellbeing of young men and boys who live in the Kalihi Valley neighborhood in Honolulu, Hawaii, through teaching them how to repair and build bikes. Watch.

$2million funding for prostate cancer research

New prostate cancer treatments are to be fast-tracked thanks to funds raised through Movember and The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride. This year, we granted $2 million to two world-class research teams in the US. The recipients of the 2021 Movember-Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride-PCF Challenge Awards were Franklin Huang MD of the University of California and Matthew Freedman, MD, of Harvard University and the Dana Faber Cancer Institute. Tell me more.

Motivating young Black men across the nation

Movember Rooted and Rising is an 11-week creative training program that brings together 10 emerging digital creators. The aim is to motivate young Black men across the nation to take good care of themselves, live up to their potential and thrive. The Movember Rooted and Rising Collective 2021 provides tailored support for each participant's creative, business, and personal goals. Creators also give back to their community and look out for those coming up behind them. The initiative is run in partnership with SecondMuse. Each participant also receives a $5,000 stipend. Tell me more.

Empowering men to be better fathers

Movember’s Family Man is the world’s first parenting program designed with dads in mind. It helps men tackle the kicking, screaming and WTF moments of being a dad. By equipping men to deal with parenting’s ups and downs, Family Man helps dads reduce stress. Tell me more.

Using data to improve care for men with prostate cancer

Movember continues to improve the quality of life for men across the world by funding major scientific advances in treatment of prostate cancer. Movember’s True North Global Registry is a detailed database, including from 61,000 men from 14 countries, that allows clinicians to tap into the experience of hundreds of other around the world. Tell me more.

FDA approval for an imaging agent that can spot prostate cancer

Movember has welcomed the approval in the United States of a new type of imaging agent that can more accurately determine whether a man’s prostate cancer has spread. Movember funding supported the early development of Pylarify back in 2013 for advanced prostate cancer imaging. Tell me more.