We invest in solutions that encourage men to be physically active, with the intent of creating sustainable behavior change.
Moving on physical inactivity
Physical inactivity is a big deal. It’s the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, causing 3.2 million deaths globally per year. We're combating physical inactivity by:
1. Getting people moving. This year we're launching MOVE, a 30-day campaign to encourage physical activity.
2. Raising awareness on the dangers of physical inactivity, and the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health.
3. Finding new ways to encourage physical activity and reduce the impact of a sedentary lifestyle.
4. Investing in projects that increase our understanding of what works to change men’s behavior and help them move more.
We're investing in getting people moving
Added to our strategy in 2015, physical inactivity is our newest focus area. We're committed to raising awareness on the dangers of physical inactivity and investing in initiatives that encourage physical activity – watch this space. There's more to come.

We're challenging Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to get physically active for the 30 days of Movember and raise funds and awareness for men's health.
Learn more about MOVE
TrueNTH Australia’s Exercise Program for Men with Prostate Cancer
We worked with a team at Edith Cowan University to record the experiences of men with prostate cancer who underwent a tailored fitness regime. The resources created as a result of this project are available online as a series of videos.
Watch an interview with participant Mo Bro Lee
GAP4: Global Prostate Cancer Exercise and Metabolic Health Initiative
GAP4 aims to test exercise as a medicine and better understand its role in prostate cancer progression. Over 150 leading researchers have collaborated on a large-scale multi-center exercise trial for men with advanced prostate cancer.
Learn more about GAP4 (PDF)
Exercise as medicine for men with prostate cancer in Hong Kong
This program aims to evaluate the benefits of traditional Chinese movement exercise and aerobic and resistance exercise for addressing the physical and psychological problems facing men with prostate cancer in Hong Kong.
Read more about this program
The human body was designed for walking. It was not built for a sedentary lifestyle. Worryingly, research is telling us that not enough people are participating in regular physical activity; with many in the western world sitting for more than half of their waking hours. Knowing that physical inactivity contributes to many preventable causes of death, we’re committed to encouraging men to get active and decreasing sedentary behaviors.
- Adam Garone, CEO & Co-founder