Austin Challenge


Target: $37,000
Our Motivation

The Mo Bros and Mo Sisters of Austin are here changing the face of men's health. Meet the fellow Mo's in your community, get connected, and help us raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention. Who will be the top Mo in Austin this year?

Did you know we have two Community Ambassadors in Austin? If you'd like to get more involved contact or





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Previous year's posts
174 Week(s) Ago

Hello Austin Movember Team! I am so stoked for another year of Movember- Raising awareness, having conversations, and bringing in some donations!!

We will have our first Movember event of the month next Thursday, November 11th at Dogwoods bar on 6th street from 5:30-7:30. All details can be found here:

If you are able to come, please make a comment so we can know how many people to expect! Thanks, and if anyone needs to reach out my phone number is (847) 370-8322.

Previous year's posts
174 Week(s) Ago

Hello Austin Movember Team! I am so stoked for another year of Movember- Raising awareness, having conversations, and bringing in some donations!!

We will have our first Movember event of the month next Thursday, November 11th at Dogwoods bar on 6th street from 5:30-7:30. All details can be found here:

If you are able to come, please make a comment so we can know how many people to expect! Thanks, and if anyone needs to reach out my phone number is (847) 370-8322.

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.