Atos Europe


Our Motivation

Atos is very excited to be supporting the Movember Foundation, the leading global organisation committed to changing the face of Men’s health. Our Atos Mo Bros & Mo Sistas are happy to be joining the Movember community. Please donate generously.





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Previous year's posts
283 Week(s) Ago

As we are now coming towards the end of our Movember Challenge, we have something exciting coming for you.

Take a selfie with your moustache and send to Mariam Chaudhary.

We will then pick the best moustache and the lucky winner will be given a pamper treatment at Ted’s Grooming Room.

There is also a prize going towards the individual who has raised the most.

Last push thank you everyone !!!

Previous year's posts
283 Week(s) Ago

As we are now coming towards the end of our Movember Challenge, we have something exciting coming for you.

Take a selfie with your moustache and send to Mariam Chaudhary.

We will then pick the best moustache and the lucky winner will be given a pamper treatment at Ted’s Grooming Room.

There is also a prize going towards the individual who has raised the most.

Last push thank you everyone !!!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.