Milwaukee Challenge


Target: $70,000
Our Motivation

The Mo Bros and Mo Sisters of Milwaukee are here changing the face of men's health. Meet the fellow Mo's in your community, get connected, and help us raise funds and awareness for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention. Who will be the top Mo in Milwaukee this year?

Did you know we have two Community Ambassadors for Milwaukee? If you'd like to get more involved contact or





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Previous year's posts
273 Week(s) Ago

Hello Mo Bros and Mo Sisters of the mighty MKE! Mo Bro Thorpedo here. Your local Community Ambassador. Need anything hit me up at also, please try to make our 2019 MOvember MKE Silent Auction & Raffle on Friday the 22nd down at Merriment Social in Walkers Point (full deets on the Events page under that date or find on FB at our Movember MKE page). I'd love to meet every last one of you - newbie or old skool MO! 18 days left in Movember. Make 'em count to make a difference!

Previous year's posts
273 Week(s) Ago

Hello Mo Bros and Mo Sisters of the mighty MKE! Mo Bro Thorpedo here. Your local Community Ambassador. Need anything hit me up at also, please try to make our 2019 MOvember MKE Silent Auction & Raffle on Friday the 22nd down at Merriment Social in Walkers Point (full deets on the Events page under that date or find on FB at our Movember MKE page). I'd love to meet every last one of you - newbie or old skool MO! 18 days left in Movember. Make 'em count to make a difference!

326 Week(s) Ago

Mo Bros and Mo Sistas of the mighty MKE! Welcome back!... or for the first time. If you haven't liked the Movember MKE Facebook page yet do that to stay in the MO of what's MOing on and join us at any number of events on the calendar all MOnth long around the greater Milwaukee area! Shave the Date is tomorrow. Exciting stuff! Let's make 2018 our best Movember ever in the Brew City! - Dave 'Mo Bro' Thorpedo, Team Direct Supply

326 Week(s) Ago

Mo Bros and Mo Sistas of the mighty MKE! Welcome back!... or for the first time. If you haven't liked the Movember MKE Facebook page yet do that to stay in the MO of what's MOing on and join us at any number of events on the calendar all MOnth long around the greater Milwaukee area! Shave the Date is tomorrow. Exciting stuff! Let's make 2018 our best Movember ever in the Brew City! - Dave 'Mo Bro' Thorpedo, Team Direct Supply

376 Week(s) Ago

Mo Bros. Mo Sistas. Friends. So glad you are in the MKE network/challenge. Big celebration for Movember's end next Thursday the 30th being put on by our friends at Beechwood with Sugar Maple in Bay View the host (all part of our Movember MKE Craft Brewing Coalition - we're crafting a better men's health!). Big party and stache contest will start at 6pm and run until 9 (officially-speaking that is). Join us. Celebrate Movember, ourselves and our efforts - some amazing results & achievements accomplished this year in the MKE. Great Movember networking opportunity to be sure! United we MO!

376 Week(s) Ago

Mo Bros. Mo Sistas. Friends. So glad you are in the MKE network/challenge. Big celebration for Movember's end next Thursday the 30th being put on by our friends at Beechwood with Sugar Maple in Bay View the host (all part of our Movember MKE Craft Brewing Coalition - we're crafting a better men's health!). Big party and stache contest will start at 6pm and run until 9 (officially-speaking that is). Join us. Celebrate Movember, ourselves and our efforts - some amazing results & achievements accomplished this year in the MKE. Great Movember networking opportunity to be sure! United we MO!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.