James Shaw
1  year  Mo Bro


My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health
Prostate cancer
Testicular cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

Mental health and suicide prevention is a topic which, fortunately, is becoming less taboo by the day. Still, discussion about men's health, including their mental wellbeing, is far too often swept under the rug. My personal motivations for raising money and awareness aren't as personally intimate with suicide as others in my life, but I know multiple young men who struggle daily with their mental health and this is why I choose to be a part of the Movember movement. Ever since my teammates and I at Stanford chose to grow out our mustaches to raise awareness for Movember when I was 18-22 years old, I have been an avid supporter of the movement to pull men's health topics 'out from under the rug' and into the limelight to speak openly about and raise awareness for. Preventing men from experiencing these issues is something I care deeply about and feel is a very worthwhile cause. This is something we can accomplish as a collective.

How I'm
getting involved
Oars + Alps
Team captain James Shaw
$0 Team funds raised
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