Logan Blake
1  year  Mo Bro


Target: $10,000
raised $625 since 2022
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Mental health and suicide prevention

Globally, the rate of suicide is alarmingly high, particularly in men. Too many men are ‘toughing it out’, keeping their feelings to themselves and struggling in silence. Help me stop men dying too young.

How I'm
getting involved
RPA Advertising
Team captain Tyler Sweeney
$0 Team funds raised
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Previous year's posts
66 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
WarnerMedia Gift Matching Victoria Evans
Previous year's donations
66 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
WarnerMedia Gift Matching Victoria Evans
Previous year's posts
74 Week(s) Ago

day 30. final day. to men's health!

74 Week(s) Ago

day 30. final day. to men's health!

74 Week(s) Ago

day 29. tomorrow is the last day of my being mustachioed. who will I then be without?

74 Week(s) Ago

day 29. tomorrow is the last day of my being mustachioed. who will I then be without?

74 Week(s) Ago

day 28. 'stache has entered its villain arc. 1 like = 1 prayer.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 28. 'stache has entered its villain arc. 1 like = 1 prayer.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 27. reclined on the couch, 'stache in bloom. shoutout to xmas.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 27. reclined on the couch, 'stache in bloom. shoutout to xmas.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 26. lookin' mad paranoid but the 'stache is resolute.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 26. lookin' mad paranoid but the 'stache is resolute.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 25. post-thanksgiving snap but care was taken to remove all leftover flecks.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 25. post-thanksgiving snap but care was taken to remove all leftover flecks.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 24. looks like I have three mustaches. one above each eye, one above the lip.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 24. looks like I have three mustaches. one above each eye, one above the lip.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 23. my age in days—we synced now.

74 Week(s) Ago

day 23. my age in days—we synced now.

75 Week(s) Ago

day 22. the 'stache is starting to speak for itself now.

75 Week(s) Ago

day 22. the 'stache is starting to speak for itself now.

75 Week(s) Ago

day 21. whiskered as ever.

75 Week(s) Ago

day 21. whiskered as ever.

75 Week(s) Ago

day 20. think it's all, like, heliotropic now.

75 Week(s) Ago

day 20. think it's all, like, heliotropic now.

75 Week(s) Ago

day 19. forgot to snap a photo, so I'll describe it: mustachificentastic.

75 Week(s) Ago

day 19. forgot to snap a photo, so I'll describe it: mustachificentastic.

76 Week(s) Ago

day 18. continues to expand onto more facial real estate.

76 Week(s) Ago

day seventeen. itchy.

76 Week(s) Ago

day 16: it's begun to siphon the hair from my scalp. sos.

76 Week(s) Ago

day 15: so it's now reached its half-life, middle-age, midway stage, etc.

76 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Michelle Bern

Already making an impact out there in this big world. Love it!

76 Week(s) Ago

day 14 of the hirsute pursuit.

76 Week(s) Ago

'stache turned a teenager today. 13 days.

76 Week(s) Ago

just me & my 12-day-old 'stache. why, what's up?

77 Week(s) Ago

[in a twee pre-K childcare chorus] "day 11!"

77 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Sheryl Stewart

Love that you're doing this, it's such a great cause. Keep up the good work!

77 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tami Browne
77 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kim Mitchell
77 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Gina Burdette


77 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Vicki Evans
77 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Leigh Brassard
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.