I am growing a mustache to help change the face of men's health, to have fun inspiring others to make a change - making each day count. This is my tenth year of growing a mo to raise awareness of the importance of men’s health.
Workout with Brennen - solid workout!
All day moving - school, home, community
All day moving - home, community, and yard
My commitment - match donations up to $500. I am grateful for those who gave.
All day with a workout with Brennen
It’s raining donations! You just earned an extra $25 from our friends and partners at Pringles, Every Man Jack, Just for Men, and Arm. Well done, Mo.
It snowed, so it was mostly insides day.
All day at school, and Monday night at Loaves
Putting up Christmas lights. Awesome day.
All day, finishing the yard and leaf pickup!
Thanksgiving day - dinner and movement
All day long with a five hour shift at Loaves
All day long
All day parent conferences - very little moving :(
All day Sunday with yard work in the afternoon.
Loves and Fishes, yard work, and dog walks.
All day walking and movement, early to bed!
A day at school with parent conferences in the eve
A day at school and mowing the backyard
A day at school and evening fall cleanup at home