Nate Yeomans, a pro surfer and Cobian ambassador, is Growing and Moving in the name of men's health this Movember. The moustache-growing month has always been popular among surfing communities since the movement first began in Australia, but it was only when Nate's own grandfather succumbed to prostate cancer in his early 70's that the cause took on a whole new meaning. Nate is now a 6-year Mo Bro, riding his own waves of loss and resilience, and he uses every opportunity he gets to spread Movember's vital message.
For Nate, the more uncomfortable conversations men typically try to avoid are at the crux of why Movember exists. He tries to get men talking about their health, and faces constant reminders of how his grandfather's life might have been prolonged with a more proactive stance on getting check-ups and exams.
"Due to Movember, the conversations around prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men's mental health issues are now being discussed within my sphere of Friends. I think the power of Movember is bringing up very real issues regarding men's health—issues that prior to the Foundation were never really discussed in my life. Had these discussions been taking place 10 years ago, my grandfather's life could have been saved. I feel his annual checkup wouldn't have been overlooked, which could have helped in detecting his prostate cancer in a treatable stage. Movember creates discussion, discussion turns to knowledge, knowledge is power, and power saves lives."
Now assuming the nickname of "Prostate Nate" among his friends, Yeomans will continue the fight for men's health through his own fundraising and the conversations he holds in his day-to-day life. As an official Movember Ambassador, Nate has been teaming up with our partners at Cobian to unite local surfing communities with our global Movember family. Read more about Nate’s journey with Cobain and the Movember Foundation in his recent interview with Surfer Magazine.
You can also visit Nate's personal fundraising page here.
Photo Credit: Grant Ellis

November 20th, 2016
For pro surfer Nate Yeomans (AKA "Prostate Nate"), the Movember cause hits close to home.
Nate Yeomans: Why I Mo