A man sits in a barberchair, smiling and looking out to the side of the frame
Mo Bro Mike FierkeImage by: JJ Sulin
A man sits in a barberchair, smiling and looking out to the side of the frame
1 December 2022

The Story of a Ten Year Mo Bro

3 minutes read time

Mental Health: it's silent, it rarely shows physical symptoms, that's why talking about it is so important. My own struggles with mental health have led me to champion this as the cause closest to my heart.

Much like many others, I got involved with Movember to have an excuse to grow a mustache. My dad has had one my whole life and I thought it would be entertaining for my friends and family to see me with one. Shortly after I started participating in Movember, about two years, I went through a really painful divorce. Participating in Movember, and spreading the good word about men's mental health gave me the needed push to seek out therapy. I couldn't preach the good word of Movember if I myself was unwilling to accept that I needed help. After that it's been easy, it's now a part of who I am.

The year after my divorce was transformative for me. I took a bunch of time off of work to travel and play disc golf, one of my greatest passions in life. I started a YouTube channel with disc golf as the focus and traveled around the country playing disc golf tournaments. One of the tournaments I played that year was the St. Jude Disc Golf Charity Invitational in Seaside California. Since I was going out to California, to play a charity event, I thought what the heck, why not go visit the Movember headquarters and pitch my own charity tournament idea to Movember. Not realizing Seaside and LA are nowhere near each other, I set the plan. I flew into LA and stopped by the Movember headquarters and chatted with my Mo Bro Keith at Mo HQ who gave me some great ideas and the wheels were in motion.

2015 was the First Annual Movember Doubles Disc Golf Tournament, and there were 36 people in attendance. This year, we celebrated the 8th anniversary of the event and we were maxed out at 108 people, with a waitlist of 10 more, all coming together for Movember.

Movember has given me a purpose representing something that is larger than myself. It has helped me communicate positively to many many people, friends, family, and even strangers who recognize the Mo. I hope that Mo of mine starts conversations about health, wellness, and destigmatizing the act of Men going to seek help when struggling with their mental health.

Movember has taught me to check in on my Bros when I haven't heard from them in a while. If someone seems off for whatever reason, I don't gloss over the issue, I try to get to the root of the emotion that I'm picking up on. Being a part of this Movember community always encourages me to be more vocal and forward about discussing men’s health across the board.

Awareness. Awareness. Awareness. Talk about it, no matter how tough it may seem.

Support Mike’s efforts to raise awareness for men’s health here and learn more about the 5 things you can do to know and do more about men’s health.