Mo Bros
Mo BrosImage by: Movember
Mo Bros
25 October 2023

Want to double your donations?

2 minutes read time

You’ve done a lot of hard work raising funds for Movember – but what if we told you that you could make that hard work go even further? That’s where gift matching comes in. Many companies around the country offer charitable gift matching, and you can take advantage to double your donations.


When people who work for a company that has a matching gift program donate to Movember they can submit a matching gift request. Once approved the company sends those funds to us and we add them to your fundraising total.Your donors may also be eligible for gift matching from their organizations. Ask them to check with their HR rep – and we’ll make sure it gets added to your Mo Space when we get it.


Your workplace may offer gift matching, even if no one’s mentioned it. It’s easy to find out. Just ask your manager or someone in HR whether they do it (it's sometimes called corporate matching or internal giving). Some places are even known to triple donations.

Did you know that 1 in 3 donors say they’d give more if gift matching is applied to their donation – and 84% are more likely to donate if a match if offered. To make it easier, you can check if your or your donors’ company has a gift matching program here.

Some companies require you make donations through their own internal systems to be eligible for a match. If that’s the case, just reach out to us and we’ll keep an eye out for your donation and the company match and add both to your Mo Space for you.

Spread the word about matching gifts to your co-workers and your donors. In just a few clicks they could easily help you double your funds raised and help us change the face of men’s health.

If you have any questions – feel free to reach out to us at or call 310-450-3399.