Physical distance is the best weapon against COVID-19 for now. But that doesn’t mean our relationships are on hold. In fact, now is the time to rally together.
From quizzes to crunches, gaming, and simply sharing how we’re doing, there are sessions to support both mental and physical health, and some that are just a bit of fun.
So bridge the distance, connect with family and friends, and come join us at a Virtual Movember Session soon.
23.04.20 / Ongoing
Head over to Movember’s Twitch channel for Movember Gaming TV, a daily live stream of gaming content featuring Movember supporters and the gaming community. We’ll be streaming different games on different days so make sure to check in regularly to see what’s going on.
Visit Movember’s Twitch channel to find out more.
24.06.20 / 12.30pm - 1pm (with Q&A afterwards)
Mind, Body, and Mo
Yoga is only for super-lean, super-flexible, super-fit people who sleep in the lotus position, right? Wrong! Yoga is a great way to keep your body and mind healthy during these testing times, and it's easy to do from the comfort of your own home.
Our introductory, incredibly approachable, online session from qualified yoga instructor, The Downward Doug went so well that we’re back for more. In fact we’ll be back once a fortnight at Wednesday lunchtime so, if you've never tried yoga before or found it doesn’t work for you, then this is your chance to try it out while you stay safe at home. Downward Doug will be on hand to answer your questions and remember, it’s not yoga, it’s Moga.
Sign up to receive further details on how to join.
Big Hairy Sports Quiz
Do you know your Crouch from your crunch? Your 9-iron from your 3-pointer? Your silly mid on from your… you get the idea. Join us for a sports inspired virtual quiz on Tuesday 23rd June at 7.30pm.
Sign up to receive details on how to join.
Movember's Afternoon Trivia Quiz Show
Weekly / 3pm on Instagram Live
Join players from around the world for some headscratchers and moustache strokers as we have fun in quarantine. Broadcast live from the host's bedroom direct to your Instagram.
Mind, Body, and Mo
Being physically active is one of the best things you can do for your mental health, it’s also important to stay connected, so take on the Movember Miles for Mates challenge and do both. Run your chosen distance, reach out and ask your mates how they’re getting on, then encourage them to join you (virtually of course) as we all work together to rack up those miles for mates.
Miles For Mates is free to join. Sign up to get started.
Mo Bro Tutorials
Social; Mind, Body, and Mo
It may seem the days are getting longer as we spend more time in quarantine, but they are actually the same length they've always been. Hair, however, continues to grow and grow. For those whose beards have become unsightly or unmanageable, allow Movember Rated Barber Barbers to walk you through some grooming tips.
Looking for an at home workout? Let our Mo Bros guide you through some simple workouts that you can do from the comfort of your living room. Check out Mo Bro Jono's 15 minute workout guiding you through 5 moves.
Keep an eye on our social channels for new tutorials from our Mo Bros.