Sean Palladino
2  year  Mo Bro
Hosting an event


Target: $1,000
raised $1,322 since 2024
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health
Prostate cancer
Mental health and suicide prevention

I had been going through an incredibly hard time the past few months. Eventually leading me to a nearly 10 day stay in the hospital for a mental health crisis that almost took my own life. But I now have a therapist and medicine for the first time in my life to help regulate my emotions and bring a new lease on life.

But so many men are not open to sharing their minds, sometimes out of fear or frustration. Opening up about our feelings and emotions is the only way to learn how to cope with others and acknowledge shared struggles. We are all human and have similarities, even if our brains make us feel like we are all alone.

My grandfather, who is nearly the end of his long, 90 year old life, had a wonderful trait of outwardly showing his emotions. Crying when something sad or emotional happens. Men can cry, there is no shame. All of us must learn to accept and appreciate all of our emotions and not hide them from society. Showing a little vulnerability makes us human and allows compassion, forgiveness, and empathy to grow stronger in our communities.

Grow the stache, raise money for charity, and keep opening up about our collective struggles. Don’t hide your emotions. Be the change you want to see in the world. You might save a life!

How I'm
getting involved
Mo-Hikers, Mo-Runners & Mo-Growers
Team captain William Wachhorst
$0 Team funds raised
0 of 33 miles
Your feed

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3 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
GlobalFoundries Gift Match Sean Palladino
3 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
GlobalFoundries Gift Match Sean Palladino
3 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
GlobalFoundries Gift Match Sean Palladino
3 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
GlobalFoundries Gift Match Sean Palladino
3 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
GlobalFoundries Gift Match Kathryn Grimes
3 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
GlobalFoundries Gift Match Kathryn Grimes
Previous year's posts
12 Week(s) Ago
I ran .31 mi00:20:44

Previous year's activities
12 Week(s) Ago
I ran .31 mi00:20:44

13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter

Your message has changed a lot of lives already. And if you continue this new lease on life, the possibilities are endless. But keep being mindful of your own self, the way others are treated, and the journey that we are all on. Keep up the great work!

Previous year's donations
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter

Your message has changed a lot of lives already. And if you continue this new lease on life, the possibilities are endless. But keep being mindful of your own self, the way others are treated, and the journey that we are all on. Keep up the great work!

13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Uncle Mark and Aunt Lisa Blake
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Uncle Mark and Aunt Lisa Blake
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Gretchen Whener

Sean your are doing great and we are all proud of you

13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Gretchen Whener

Sean your are doing great and we are all proud of you

13 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.03 mi00:27:36

13 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.03 mi00:27:36

13 Week(s) Ago
I walked .65 mi00:13:41

13 Week(s) Ago
I walked .65 mi00:13:41

13 Week(s) Ago
I ran 4.1 mi00:51:15

13 Week(s) Ago
I ran 4.1 mi00:51:15

13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nick Gidjunis
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nick Gidjunis
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nikolai Buckley
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nikolai Buckley
13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Doug Kesler

Great share and hand toward others.

13 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Doug Kesler

Great share and hand toward others.

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kathryn Grimes


Greatly appreciate your motivation to advocate for a cause close to your heart.

Looking forward to seeing you continue on your journey!

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Kathryn Grimes


Greatly appreciate your motivation to advocate for a cause close to your heart.

Looking forward to seeing you continue on your journey!

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Pringles USA

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Pringles USA

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Pringles USA

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Pringles USA

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Pringles USA

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Pringles USA

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Pringles USA

Look at you Mo! Pringles brand is popping in to celebrate your support of Movember with an extra $25.

14 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.04 mi00:27:22

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Donna Gidjunis

Way to go Sean! We're behind you every step of the way.

14 Week(s) Ago
I ran 2.64 mi00:51:49

14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Maryanne Biele
14 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
Previous year's posts
14 Week(s) Ago

[... continued]

This month I've focused on reintroducing my newly invigorated, less anxious self into society. Having a therapist and a psychiatrist for the first time in life has reframed my mind, provided psychological tools, and allowed my mind to become more resilient.

While the political changes in the coming years may be different, we all need to remain positive and learn to listen to others. The political divide has remained a constant for too long. It takes each one of us to start to break down the walls of division and find healthy compromise. It will not solve everything and that is ok. Slow progress is better than radical change.

The Movember USA organization is a wonderful opportunity to spread awareness on men’s mental health issues. Donate what you can, continue to spread positivity, and listen to others.

We can do this. No excuses. Do the work!

14 Week(s) Ago

[... continued]

These changes have also brought back my love of reading, so I am glad to still a volunteer of the Friends of Crandall Library. We sort and organize tons of donated used books from the public to use for the book sales that the team puts on each year. I used to always be riddled with anxiety at the thought of reading, especially trying to keep up with others’ speeds. But I am able to relax and enjoy a good book again.

I am currently two books into the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. It is an excellent fantasy novel that involves the battle between good and evil as well as the power of emotional change and connection. It uses a style of magic involving metals that could be used to manipulate physical and mental abilities. Michael, my soon-to-be husband, is thrilled that I am finally overcoming my anxiety and reading Brandon Sanderson, one of his favorite authors.

And I truly understand why! Sanderson's reading style is approachable and intelligent. The way he approaches character development, world-building, and plot twists is rather intriguing and mystifying.

I have also finished a rather amazing book that came out last year called The Long Run. I discovered it at Crandall Library's summer book sale. The first page I read involved the Cinnaminson track team, with a story set in Moorestown, NJ. The same area I grew up in! Wild to find this book close to 200 miles north, especially given the rather good story of growing up different and dealing with societal pressures.

[... continued]

14 Week(s) Ago

[... continued]

My next race this month was the Hudson Falls Run 4 Kids 5K at the Hudson Falls High School. I only heard about it by chance when I joined one of the Adirondack Runner’s training runs the week prior. It was exceptionally fortuitous to connect with them again and to learn about this other community race. It was the first race where I got so close to placing in the top three in my age group; by 13 seconds! But it will provide excellent motivation for the next year.

The following week, I headed down to Philly to volunteer at the Philly Marathon and watch my cousin Nick and his wife, Mary, finish their first marathon together. Since I ran the Philly Marathon in 2011, Nick, Mary, and I will forever share a bond that can only be forged by crossing that finish line. Just as we are all connected to my dad, my Uncle Charles, and my grandfather, who all have crossed that same finish line in the past.

Every Tuesday evening this month, aside from the week of my grandfather's funeral, was spent with the lovely folks at the Glens Falls Run Club. It was a great way to reconnect with them as I learned to manage my new sobriety in a bar environment. I was glad to learn that the brewers at Mean Max created a non-alcoholic section, filled with very tasty mocktails and seltzers.

My medicine to control and manage my high emotions and debilitating anxiety has particularly bad side effects with alcohol, so it was a perfect opportunity to try out sobriety. I have made it to 10 weeks and the positive changes in my mind and body are quite uplifting. I feel lighter and clearer than ever, with a renewed ability to not get distracted as easily or forget things as quickly.

[... continued]

14 Week(s) Ago

I reached my goal of running and walking 33 miles this November! This month started with the Mike Nolan 5K, a powerfully uplifting community race that was created to honor a teacher and coach from South Glens Falls that had passed away from cancer after decades of inspiring his students' fitness abilities. This race in particular was special due to my experience going back to New Jersey to be with my family for my grandfather’s funeral, a physical education teacher as well.

Mike Nolan’s career as a teacher and a coach inspired so many people in the community to give it their all. “No excuses. Do the work!” was his motto, shown on every race shirt.

During the next couple days in New Jersey, I learned from many people about my own grandfather’s ability to inspire. His fitness aptitude and friendly demeanor brought so much courage and joy to so many. And that is a trait that I truly want to share with others. It does not matter your own starting point in life. We all have an innate ability to learn and grow and inspire others.

While in New Jersey, I decided to run from my father’s new house back to my childhood family home on Beverly Road. It was a 4-mile trek, nearly at dusk, with lots of treacherous hills. But it was very cathartic, especially as I listened to some of my grandfather’s favorite songs. I was able to have a deep connection with him, just by running and listening.

I stopped at my grandmother’s house on the way back to have a private conversation before the funeral the following morning. It was very lovely and illuminating. I learned how quickly the decline was for my grandfather. I am glad that he did not suffer long and is finally at peace. Hopefully now he's up in heaven catching up with his son, Joey, who tragically passed away very young. There is a plaque for Joey at Cinnaminson High School. It's right near the starting line for Cross-Country races.


15 Week(s) Ago
I ran 2.09 mi00:20:29

15 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.13 mi00:28:07

15 Week(s) Ago
I ran 2.91 mi00:26:40

15 Week(s) Ago
I walked .99 mi00:23:55

16 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.11 mi00:29:21

16 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.07 mi00:30:31

17 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 5.12 mi01:04:00

17 Week(s) Ago
I ran 4.65 mi01:00:00

17 Week(s) Ago
I ran 4.33 mi01:07:00

17 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.1 mi00:28:00

17 Week(s) Ago
I ran 3.12 mi00:29:00

17 Week(s) Ago
I ran 2.79 mi00:26:00

18 Week(s) Ago

Had an emotional, cathartic, and graciously optimistic race at the Mike Nolan 5K. Spoke with his wife, bonding over our mutual memories of two great coaches and teachers. My Pop-Pop was at the race, smiling down with Mike Nolan. Positive legacies from two different towns, hundreds of miles apart. Thanks for being an amazing person to so many, Pop-Pop!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.